When Justice League first appeared there seemed to be a plan to give each of the six heroes their own standalone movies. Wonder Woman had come out prior to Justice League and soon to follow would be The Flash, Cyborg and a Ben Affleck starring Batman solo movie. We also expected to hear about Man of Steel 2 and then possibly after that we would have gotten a Justice League 2.
After the big flop that was Justice League, WB seems to have ripped up all their plans for the DCEU and started again. Wonder Woman was a hit so she got a sequel fast-tracked. Aquaman was too far along and luckily also was a huge success for the studio. Whereas Superman seems to have fallen off a kryptonite cliff and been buried for the moment and Ben Affleck is out as Batman with Matt Reeves reportedly rebooting the character as a much younger version. The Flash seems to be facing some current turmoil, we had heard it was due to shoot this year only to find out that star Ezra Miller was attempting to rewrite the script to make it darker. If Miller is unsuccessful with this rewrite it could well spell the end of his run as Flash and the role could be recast.
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Then we have Cyborg, nothing had been said about the role currently played by Ray Fisher, no hints of his solo movie have surfaced and all had gone quiet, but now we hear otherwise. According to We Got This Covered, their sources have told them that Ray Fisher is out completely from the DCEU, there will be no Cyborg solo movie and he will not reprise the role in any other DCEU movie either. Of course, we cannot speak to the accuracy of this rumor but it would make sense with how quiet any Cyborg news has been since Justice League.
What I would say is that I felt Cyborg was the weakest character in Justice League, but that movie was such a mess that I don’t think anyone can blame Ray Fisher for that. Fans had praised Ben Affleck’s take on Batman in BvS, only to have him play a weird version of the character in Justice League, which fans didn’t take to. We also have to look at how that movie handled Superman and I cannot possibly blame Henry Cavill for that either. So is it fair that Ray Fisher would be dropped as Cyborg? Well, whether it’s fair or not doesn’t really play in this industry, unfortunately, the people who make the decisions over at WB still baffle me at every turn and I cannot guess what they’ll do next.
For the moment we will have to wait and see how and if this DCEU develops from here, but it seems as if Momoa and Gadot may well end up being the only members of Justice League to survive the ongoing cull by the time this year is out.
What do you think of this rumor, are you happy Ray Fisher is out, would you rather they don’t use Cyborg again in the movies? Download your thoughts into our cyber chat zone below as always.
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SOURCE: We Got This Covered