Here is my Secret Invasion Episode 3 review and, I’m really still enjoying this show. If you read my review last week of the second episode, you know I loved it. Well, I can’t quite say I loved Episode 3 as much, but I still enjoyed it more than the premiere.
This is an NO SPOILER review folks, so I’m not getting into the weeds of the plot here.
Will You like This?
I’ll keep this really simple this week. Have you watched Episode 1 and 2 and did you like them or not? If the answer is yes, you’ll be pleased to know Episode 3 carries this forward. If you did not, then there is nothing in Episode 3 to suddenly bring you into the fold.
There it is, I said Id keep this part simple this week. At this point, 3 episodes in, you’re not going to suddenly start enjoying this if it’s not up your street. I’m really enjoying it, my review will indicate that. However as some of our readers pointed out in the comments last week, this might not be what you want from a Marvel TV series. It may be you’re after a lighthearted show where superheroes fight and do cool movies and this is not currently what Secret Invasion is.
What Works And Spoiler FREE Surprises
That all being said above, l so far Secret Invasion is my second favorite Marvel series after three episodes yet, after Loki. The plot still makes sense (mostly, see below), and we spend a lot of time with the antagonists. Whilst we can’t agree with their views, we can kinda see where this extremism could have come from if stoked by the right Skrulls. Equally, I feel like though we are getting more and more details, we still have much to learn.
My guess is that there are flashbacks we will be shown that clearly show Gravik’s turning point, and my bet is that will be connected to Fury. Secret Invasion works best when it’s two actors having a conversation and there are some good examples in Episode 3.
As for surprises, unlike Episode 2, the ending surprise didn’t really work for me. I guess it depends how much close attention you’ve been paying thus far? If you don’t think too much about what has been happening so far, then a voice at the end of the episode may shock you. For the viewers more like myself, it will be more like ‘ah, as we expected, cool’. There’s also a potential cliff-hanger ending this week which I’m not sure worked for me. I’m more dismissive it really happened and working out what happens next week to ‘correct’ it. Anyone who watched the trailers should be able to spot there’s a big inconsistency. It doesn’t mean it’s an awful way to end the episode, I just don’t think it will have shocked as many people as they think
Yep, this week I do have one or two gripes. Now, I won’t necessarily say they are specific to this episode, but it was this week I felt it was most highlighted. I have a bit of an issue with the Skrull’s plan and I have a bit of an issue with how Fury and Talos are dealing with it. I’m going to speak in general terms here, so as not to spoil.
Nuclear War, is not an effective solution for the Skrulls in my opinion. Sure, we’ve established they could survive in the Nuclear fallout from the event due to their radiation protection. However, that’s only one small aspect of the destruction a full scale Nuclear war would unleash. For a start the Skrulls would not have the time to make sure every member of their species is in a protected place for the initial blasts. Then, we have a nuclear winter that will dim the sun across most of the planet and reduce plant growth and kill off animals and species etc. Why destroy the planet you want to take over?
A small gripe, but I’d be doing my reviews a disservice by not mentioning it. It’s a Marvel show and I can suspend some disbelief, certainly more than I could with a realistic spy story.
RELATED: Secret Invasion Episode 2 Review: I loved It!
Secondly, I have some issues with how Talos and Fury are handling this.. I know it would make for a terrible series. But if Fury got hold of reporters and used Talos to show who Skrulls are and what they are doing, then the whole world would react and start checking all their key personal for Skrulls. There’s only a million of them, most of which are rounded up in camps. Talos actually threatens to do it this week and you have to wonder why they don’t? Each country would ave rounded up their Skrulls from any positions of influence, or thye’d have had to change guises and flee.
Ultimately you get the feeling that Talos, Fury and Giah are too small to deal with this themselves. Perhaps if Coleman’s character joined with them and was able to offer British assets, we could have a bit more of a hope? Maybe the idea the writer and director are going for is a hopeless one? Therefore, this is not a deal breaker for enjoyment of the show. Just one of those situations where you cant help deal the good guys are making things harder for themselves.
These are both general plot gripes and neither make the show feel bad to me. I’m still very much enjoying Secret Invasion. Not quite as good as last week which I gave an A and a bit better than Episode 1, which I gave a B+. Well, you know what that means.
As always, let me know what you thought of my Secret Invasion Episode 3 review or leave your own in the usual place below.