Solo just arrived for home release and as such, there is always the chance for the movie to catch a new audience. Solo famously tanked pretty hard (for a Star Wars movie) at the box office and any plans involving the younger versions of these characters are highly likely to be on hold indefinitely.
It’s hard to say exactly what went wrong with Solo and we’ve discussed it a lot here at LRM. I think whilst there are still some of us who really liked Solo, no one really loved it, except Nick, but… know, it’s Nick so that doesn’t really count. There are certainly a few of us here that felt Solo was a bad idea from page 1, and there are also those of us who feel it could have worked, but they just told the wrong story for these characters.
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Whatever the reason, the movie just didn’t find an audience of excited fans, which is not normal for a Star Wars movie and it was certainly not the worst Star Wars movie I have seen. I know a few of us here have agreed that a sequel to Solo could have been far more interesting and really gotten into that criminal underworld with Emilia Clarke’s Qi’ra taking a darker path, but the fact remains that Solo is unlikely to get a sequel anytime soon.
We are not the only ones who think this either as Solo co-writer Jon Kasdan has been on Twitter answering questions and revealing little insights into the movie. One of the posts he made talked about sequel plans and Kasdan does say he would jump at the chance to get back into that Universe and work with the cast and director Ron Howard again. However, he also concedes it is highly unlikely right now, check it out below.
Sorry, it’s not the easiest to read, but you know, Twitter is what Twitter is. I do actually hope that one day Disney gives Jon Kasdan the chance to make a sequel to this movie, even on a smaller scale (which may actually help it). Though for me they need to get into Han and Lando the rogues much more and don’t even think about the fledgling Rebellion. However, I just don’t see it ever happening if I am honest.
What do you think of Kasdan’s comments and would you like to see a sequel to Solo. Laugh it up with the other fuzzballs in the comments section below.
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SOURCE: Jon Kasdan (via Twitter)