A lot of news and footage has been dropping for Lucasfilm’s upcoming film, Solo: A Star Wars Story. Some of it’s been great, and some of it has made me a bit uneasy, as someone who doubted the whole idea of a movie that delved into a character we already knew and loved.
My biggest beef? I didn’t want a movie that was nothing but a series of fan service moments. I’d much rather see a movie that goes off in a fun, unexpected direction than a checklist of things that I’ve already imagined in my head. Admittedly, with the trailer and synopsis for the film, it seems like it could very well be that…but even if it does turn into that, it doesn’t sound like that’s what they set out to do.
While on The Star Wars Show, Solo co-writer Jon Kasdan discussed their approach for writing the film and the main arc that Han undergoes.
“What we had was a character we loved, who was enormous fun. It wasn’t like we ever approached it like, ‘Okay we’re going to fill in the backstory or origin story of Han Solo.’ We had Han Solo and we were going to make a great crime movie around him. What we started with in A New Hope was a very cynical guy, and it allowed for a character that sort of naturally lent itself to this movie, which was, ‘how do you become a cynical guy?'”
This is music to my ears. Does this still seem like a series of fan moments? Yes, it does. However, if they really did take the approach of putting the story first, then I really don’t mind it too much. Make it all about story and character, and so long as those fan moments don’t feel too forced, I’m good.
But that wasn’t all, the other co-writer (and father), Lawrence Kasdan, who wrote Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and The Force Awakens described how much he felt like Han was a real person.
“Han was always my favorite character…I didn’t approach it so much as ‘what don’t we know?’ But he was a living person in my life, and like any living person, you wonder about, what was their youth like? How did they get to be the person that I met much later?”
What do you think of Kasdans’ comments? Do you buy what they have to say, or do you think I’m buying into them too easily? Let us know your thought down below!
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SOURCE: The Star Wars Show