
Sony Spider-Man Split Was Emotional Time Says Kevin Feige

The Marvel and Sony Spider-Man split was a horrible few months wasn’t it? Whether you loved Far From Home or not, it felt like this was the beginning of Peter Parker in the MCU. Then it was announced that Far From Home was in fact the end. Sony and Marvel’s deal was complete and no deal was reached to carry on.

In the end it took some personal intervention from star Tom Holland to then Disney boss Bob Iger for Disney and Sony to get back round the table. As Marvel boss Feige told Rotten Tomatoes recently, it was an emotional time for everyone.

“There was a time when it looked like Marvel Studios would not be involved in Spider-Man movies going forward for Sony. It was only a few months, but it was an emotional few months for, I think, all of us on all sides, and a very public few months for whatever reason. I always want to look at the bright side, and the bright side is we got to make two great Spider-Man movies with Amy Pascal and Jon Watts and Tom Rothman and Tom Holland, and I was very proud of that and very happy with that, and of course, wanted it to continue. I always want to be happy with what we have, instead of upset with what we don’t.”

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“Luckily, Tom Rothman, and Bob Iger, and Alan Horn, and Alan Bergman, and Tom Holland himself all realized, ‘Wouldn’t it just be more fun if we just kept doing it? Let’s not get business or politics in the way,'” Feige said. “Because the deal always started with Amy Pascal and I having nothing to do with numbers, or contracts, or politics. It had to do with story, and a love of Spider-Man and Peter Parker and the Marvel universe.”

The current ultimate fate of Spider-Man in the MCU is unknown? Sure, we know for certain that we are getting Spider-Man: No Way Home. Then Marvel is allowed to use Spider-Man in one of their movies. However, after that, we have no clue?

I’d love to think that both Sony and Disney have realized this, just, works. My hope is that we get a college years trilogy for Tom Holland and then an adult trilogy after that. Maybe that’s a fools hope, but if Marvel had their way, I’m sure that’s what we’d be seeing develop.

I guess the stumbling block may always be Sony? Sony wants to do their own thing with Spider-Man characters as well. Eventually, when their b-version of Marvel movies just don’t sell I could see them pulling back Tom Holland in desperation. Why not just do a deal with Marvel where they have to make one Sony movie per year? Same 25/75 split, but allow Marvel Studios to decide where and when the characters will be introduced. That’s probably fantasy land though.

Feige says the Sony Spider-Man split was emotional, but it did end. How long though before we are back in the same position again? Thoughts below as always.

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