It goes without saying that Sony’s PlayStation 4 is kind of the big winner in this current generation of consoles. While Microsoft may have had the upper hand in the previous generation of consoles, Sony has proven that they were far from down in this never-ending game of console wars. Utilizing the strategy of solid exclusive titles, they’ve managed to come out on top yet again, proving that with gamers, games (surprise) really do matter first and foremost.
Now, according to VGChartz, they have hit a new milestone with the PS4 — 80 million units. Additionally, there has supposedly been over 530 million games sold for the system as of May 19, 2018, which is no small feat.
So how does it compare to Xbox One? Sadly, there are no real solid numbers to compare to. Last May, Xbox One supposedly sold a total of 30 million units, although Microsoft themselves claimed the number was wrong, all the while not coming back with a figure that was supposedly right. So perhaps we can assume that it’s still around double what Microsoft has sold.
Nintendo has only just released the Switch as of last year, so there’s no use comparing it to that, but if we’re going by past systems, Xbox 360 sold around 84 million units (meaning PS4 is well on it way to surpassing that one), and PS1 sold over 100 million units. While it’s hard to say for sure, Sony seems well on its way to surpassing their original system.
How do you feel about Sony’s latest system selling so well? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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