The Barside Buzz this weekend was all Spider-Man 4 rumors, with Feige apparently too busy to make the film when Sony wants, plus he wants a different story. Some of these rumors are things we’ve heard/reported on in the past, some are a little new. We’ll go in chronological order.
Daniel RPK said on his Patreon that Feige and Tom Holland are still working out with Sony whether the movie will be street level or Multiversal. Now this is a tale we’ve heard before. Sony wants to go big and bring back Garfield and Maguire again because it made a fortune. Whereas Feige wants to take things back to street level. Where Tom Holland sits on this I have yet to see anyone claim.
How true all this is? You know we only share the insiders that have like 75% hit rates or above, so you decide. But it seems Spider-Man 4 is currently hotly being ironed out between Marvel and Sony.
RELATED: More Fantastic Four Rumors Including Possible Delay | Barside Buzz
Next up we had CWGST on her paid service. Her sources have shared that Feige is spread way too thin and does NOT have the capacity to work on Spider-Man 4 so that it makes a 2025 release. Sony doesn’t care and want to release it in 2025 regardless.
This tracks with Alex Perez (TCC) claiming Sony’s Untitled Marvel Film slated for June 25th 2025 is indeed Spider-Man 4. However, Toast thinks Christmas 2025 could be the compromise and if that happens, it would seem less likely Blade drops in November 2025. Remember some insiders recently have hinted Blade could still fall into 2026. Or this could mean Fantastic Four moves to November and Spider-Man 4 takes it’s July slot?
Finally another from RPK on his Patreon. He says the script is still being written (considering earlier scoop above, this seems obvious). He also says Marvel wants it to be out before Avengers 5 as it will have set ups for the Avengers movies. Bear in mind Holland is rumored to be the lead of Avengers 5.
What do you think of these latest Spider-Man 4 rumors? Kevin Feige is apparently too busy to make the film when Sony wants. Plus, he wants ta different story from Sony. Which way do you think Spider-Man 4 should go? Thoughts below.