One of the joys of this iteration of Spider-Man has to do with his integration into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After getting two series of movies successfully chronicling the origin of the character, this third outing would really need something to help it stand out. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, part of that secret ingredient was Tony Stark and the rest of the ties to the story we saw through the other films in the franchise.
But Tony Stark is dead now, and in Spider-Man: Homecoming, we’ll be dealing with the aftermath of the Decimation by Thanos, but that’s not to say there won’t be some fun to be had. Taking Tony Stark’s place as the main tie to the MCU at large, we have Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury, who crashes Peter’s vacation abroad. Speaking with, director Jon Watts discussed Peter’s relationship with Fury:
“Yeah, I always wanted to put our idealistic teenage hero Peter Parker against a jaded world-weary super spy like Nick Fury. I always thought that would be such a great combination of conflict and relationship to explore. That was something that was in my very, very, very first pitch and my very first meeting at Marvel. I was like, ‘I want to see this kid go up against this bad motherf**ker.’ You know?”
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Watts also did a pretty interesting comparison between Tony and Nick:
“Tony Stark is like the cool, supportive rich uncle. Nick Fury is more like the mean, new stepdad. And I just thought it would be really fun to see those two worlds collide.”
Well, that mean stepdad approach really came across in that first trailer, with Peter and Happy both not wanting to talk to the man. This will also be an interesting interaction, as we only just saw a much less jaded Nick Fury in this year’s Captain Marvel. What do you think of this dynamic? Anyone else hungry for a Spider-Man/Ant-Man team-up? Let us know down below!
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