(For this article I’m using this awesome photo of awesome Spidey cosplayer Arsenio Garcia [Instagram: @arsenio.arsenal] because…awesome.)
During an interview last weekend, amidst all of the San Diego Comic-Con festivities, Tom Holland was asked what he’d be working on when he flew back to the set of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING. His answer was pretty vague, stating he had a lot of running around and jumping, and that it’d be a night shoot. He did say, “I’m not going to tell you where, because that would give something away,” which implies some top secret stuff is at play.
Well, now we’ve got some pictures from that night shoot. Nothing exciting, but they offer another glimpse of Holland in his SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING suit. But what comes with these photos, and how it can relate to the cryptic tease from Holland, could be pretty exciting. Join me after the pictures to discuss:
So what’s with all the mystery surrounding this shoot? Well, it could have something to do with Spidey crossing paths…with an Avenger other than Iron Man!
While we’ve known for quite a while that Robert Downey Jr. would be bringing his Tony Stark into SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, a new rumor- which, of course, should be taken with a webbed handful of salt- is that Black Widow might pop up in the film as well.
The basis for this rumor is that a photographer who works in Atlanta, who’s been scoping out the set of HOMECOMING teased that Scarlett Johannson has suddenly popped up on the set.
It’s anyone’s guess if there’s any correlation here, but Holland did recently imply that the events depicted in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR factored into the plot of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING. Could an encounter with Black Widow be a part of Parker’s dealing with the fallout of what happened in CIVIL WAR?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING comes out on July 7, 2017.