Just when fans thought they’d seen the last of Pavitr Prabhakar, AKA Spider-Man India, on the big screen earlier this year, the beloved superhero is making a triumphant return in his very own solo limited series. Starting this past June, the five-issue saga titled “SPIDER-MAN: INDIA” has captured the imagination of fans worldwide, promising a thrilling new chapter for Earth-50101’s web-slinger. With a talented creative team behind it, this series is packed with exciting revelations, unexpected team-ups, a formidable new archenemy, and a sensational new costume debut.
The creative forces driving this exciting venture include renowned author Nikesh Shukla, who has penned the script, and the artistic talents of Abhishek Malsuni and Tadam Gyadu, responsible for bringing the story to life visually. This dynamic team promises to breathe fresh life into the fan-favorite Spider-Man of Earth-50101.
A Glimpse into Spider-Man India’s World
“SPIDER-MAN: INDIA” promises to delve deeper into the intriguing world of Spider-Man India, offering fans a unique perspective on the character’s home world. The narrative also hints at thrilling encounters with Earth-616’s resident Spider-Men, suggesting that crossover events may be on the horizon. With the introduction of a formidable new archenemy, the stakes are higher than ever, and the fate of Mumbai hangs in the balance.
Perhaps the most anticipated moment of this limited series is the debut of Spider-Man India’s brand-new costume, meticulously designed by Tadam Gyadu. Fans will have the chance to witness this modern upgrade to the classic Spidey look in Doaly’s New Costume Variant Cover for “SPIDER-MAN: INDIA” #5, available now.
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The Countdown to an Epic Conclusion
As the series barrels toward its climactic conclusion, “SPIDER-MAN: INDIA” is set to hit comic book stands in October. The story sets up an exhilarating final showdown between Spider-Man India and the formidable Lizard, whose dangerous experiments put all of Mumbai at grave risk. When the Lizard’s powerful ally is pushed to the brink, it becomes clear that Pavitr’s one chance to save the city may rest with the unlikeliest of allies.
With the fate of Mumbai hanging in the balance and a host of thrilling surprises in store, “SPIDER-MAN: INDIA” promises an epic and unforgettable adventure for fans of the wall-crawling hero. This limited series is sure to leave readers on the edge of their seats, eager to see how the web-slinger’s journey unfolds.
Stay tuned for “SPIDER-MAN: INDIA” #5, coming soon, and get ready to witness the birth of a new era for Spider-Man India, filled with excitement, action, and unexpected alliances. Check out Doaly’s cover below and preorder it at your local comic shop today! For more information, visit Marvel.com.