Star Wars: George Lucas Still Provides Insight In Very Specific Instances

Fans have a love-hate relationship with Star Wars creator and former Lucasfilm overlord George Lucas. While the man created one of the most beloved world known to mankind — with countless films, series, books, comics, and video games taking place in said world (be it canon or not) — he’s also been widely criticized by ruining things with the prequel films in the late ‘90s to mid-‘00s. That’s not to even mention all the countless changes he made to the existing films.

It wasn’t long before fan started to resent George Lucas for keeping himself involved in the franchise for as long as he did. While his mindset and tastes largely seemed to be in sync with audiences early on, as he grew older, it became clear that he no longer had interest in the same aspects of his own world that fans did. While many fans were content to trudge forth with the spirit of high adventure in a science fantasy setting, Lucas seemed more intent to focus on the politics and actual world building, which generally made for a rather stale narrative.

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With Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy now at the helm, things have since gotten back on track for the franchise, and fans seem to be perfectly happy seeing Lucas sidelined, but that’s not to say that Lucas doesn’t provide any extra insight. Speaking with EW, Kathleen Kennedy was asked if he still offers input.

“Not really,” she said. “But he’ll whisper in my ear every now and then. Usually it’s something specific or important to him about Jedi training. Things like that.”

So while Lucasfilm and Disney don’t really go to him when it comes to the story or narrative, it’s nice to hear that they’re not afraid to ask him specifics about the world he’s creative. Actually, it’s even nicer to hear that he’s still willing to lend his talents where he can.

Kennedy continued:

“I think he’s starting to settle into this and just be a fan. It’s taken a while. It’s hard to let go, after 40 years. That’s a lot of expectation and things he thought a lot about. Suddenly that next generation, that whole thematic idea he came up with, is in process.”

We think it’s all for the best, but do you? Do you wish Lucas was more directly involved? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15, 2017. 

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