
Yes, A Star Wars: Mace Windu Prequel Show Is Being Considered At Lucasfilm (UPDATED) | LRM’s Barside Buzz

UPDATE: Our own source has Lucasfilm has told us that this rumor is true. Mace Windu is a character that has been thrown around a lot at the studio. However, there has yet to be a good enough story to warrant a greenlight. Samuel L. Jackson, like Ewan McGregor, would likely come back if the story worked. As far as we know, if there is anything being developed in earnest, it is likely at the infant stage.


According to a new report, a Mace Windu prequel show is being considered at Lucasfilm. Mace Windu I’m sure everyone remembers from the Star Wars prequels played by Samuel L. Jackson. As far as fans know, Windu is dead, though that has never actually been confirmed.

Scooper Daniel Richtman has recently talked on his Patreon service about an interesting development. Richtman says that a Mace Windu prequel is being considered for Disney+. As far as Richtman is aware this would involve a younger actor playing Mace Windu in the days before he was a senior member of the Jedi Council. However, Richtman also says that Jackson would still be involved as the older version of the character, perhaps indicating he survived? Apparently this is very early development and therefore may never see the light of day? The decision whether to push on with this show has not yet been taken it seems.

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Mace Windu prequel show is being considered at Lucasfilm

Here at LRM we have been first on quite a few early Disney+ show Star Wars stories, but to date we have heard nothing about this Mace Windu show? However, if Windu hasn’t been given the green light yet, perhaps our sources simply have not come across it? I am looking to reach out to all our Lucasfilm sources ASAP to see if anyone else can back up this rumor from Richtman. If we get anything back we can use, we will share that with you all as soon as we can.

As for what I think about a Mace Windu prequel? Hmm, I’m not sure. I don’t think I like the idea that Windu survived. Would Windu not be sensed by Yoda, or he sense Yoda and so on? As for the prequel aspect, it depends, if there is a good story to tell, I’m all for it. Especially as this would be the first Star Wars project in the visual medium to happen before The Phantom Menace. As always though, it depends if there is a good story to tell for me?

What do you think of the rumor a Mace Windu prequel show is being considered at Lucasfilm? Leave your thoughts below as always.

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SOURCE: Daniel RPK Patreon

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