
Star Wars: Mark Hamill Is Still Bugged By This Deleted Scene From A New Hope

Mark Hamill discusses this deleted scene.

Political persuasion. The topic of the year, right? Well, it’s not something we’ll get into here in this article, however, it is a big part of a deleted scene from A New Hope, according to Mark Hamill. The actor says a scene removed from the film is a huge part of his Luke Skywalker character’s motivation.

The scene Hamill is referring to does seem like it would add a lot to Luke’s character, and shows just how bad he wanted to leave the moisture farm. I will let Hamill himself explain the scene in question, you can check out what the actor had to say below.

“There are a couple of things that are good for the character,” Hamill said on the Pizza Film School podcast. “No. 1, he is ridiculed roundly by his peers. So he’s not particularly cool or popular. Koo Stark is the only other female actor in the movie … and she calls me ‘Wormie.’ So I am not popular, and then I bump into Biggs Darklighter, played by Garrick Hagon, and I go ‘Wow!’ You can see we’re good friends.

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“He’s dressed in an Imperial uniform and I’m going, ‘Wow! That’s so great!” Hamill continued. “I can’t wait until I can get off the dump of a planet and join with you.’ And he takes me outside and says, ‘Luke, as soon as I get the chance, I am going to jump ship and join the Rebels.’ The only reason that is interesting to me is that Luke has no political persuasion. He thinks it’s great he is in the Empire! Luke wants to be in the Empire if it will get him off the farm! So he is completely pure in that he is not politically motivated in any way, shape or form.”

I agree with Hamill that this would have added to Luke, however, I also don’t think it takes much away leaving the scene out. I’m a fencesitter, I know. Leaving this scene in the film. surely would have shown Luke’sdesire to leave home, in a much stronger way. Luke was very, green in the film, with only two real ambitions, leave Tatooine for the academy, and if possible, stop by Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.

Check out the scene for yourself below. It is the first in the list of deleted scenes in the video.

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Source: Pizza Film School podcast (via CinemaBlend)

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