Star Wars: Mark Hamill Says He Was Wrong About Initial Last Jedi Reactions

Mark Hamill has made no secret of the fact that he had some serious misgivings about the role of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. He famously said he fundamentally disagreed with what Rian Johnson did to the film, and more recently, we reported him saying that this was not his Luke Skywalker.

RELATED – Mark Hamill On Star Wars: The Last Jedi: ‘He’s Not My Luke Skywalker’

However, it looks like in a recent interview with IMDb, he’s at least saying, despite his misgivings, he is a fan of how the final product turned out. Here’s what he said:

“I’ve had trouble accepting what he saw for Luke, but again, I have to say, having seen the movie, I was wrong.”

Given that all these stories and interviews are coming out at a rapid-fire pace now that the film is out, it’s very difficult to establish a timeline of when actors said what thing. As a result, it’s hard to tell if his comments about this Luke Skywalker not being his Luke Skywalker is more or less recent than the comments above.

Obviously, the treatment of Luke Skywalker is something that has been hotly-debated among fans. You need look no further than the comments on a lot of our stories to see that a lot of viewers were not okay with his less-than-heroic behavior in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

While the debate rages on, it does seem like that, when all said and done, Hamill was pleased with the end result of the film.

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