STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE – Go Behind The Scenes of The New Flick In Virtual Reality!

Whenever there’s a brand new blockbuster set to hit theaters, there’s usually a new kind of technology or unique way the film’s marketers attempt to get the word out. Last year’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens saw the release of a 3D environment that you could look around in, and a few weeks back for Suicide Squad, Warner Bros. released a series of videos on Facebook that allowed you get a 360-degree look around the set of the film as it was filming. The latter example was a cool, insightful look — one that I don’t think got as much attention as it deserved, and I had hoped that other films would take advantage of the fairly new tech in the future.

Well, my wish has been granted. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story director Gareth Edwards has gone the extra mile with this new virtual reality behind the scenes look at the film. In a 360-degree video, we get an in-depth look at a couple of scenes involving a tank making its way through town as it was shot at Pinewood Studios.

Of the 360 video, Edwards stated:

“You can see the people in costumes constantly acting. They don’t know when they’re going to be in shot. That was part of the design of this set, so that at any point we could move the camera around and film 360° spontaneously.”

Unfortunately, if you want to experience this, you’ll need to go to and download the app for iOS or Android, which is kind of a pain. I can’t necessarily say it was absolutely worth the five minutes, but if you have the time, and are interested at an immersive experience on the set of the film, there are certainly worse ways to spend it.

Sometimes when looking at these videos, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with what you should be looking at, but this particular experience is actually a lot more guided than one may expect. Throughout the entirety of the experience, Edwards is speaking to the audience, and on-screen, there are lights that make their way across the screen to help direct your attention to any specific bits of trivia or sights you should be checking out as you watch.

What did you think of the video? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on December 16, 2016.

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SOURCE: Time (via Star Wars News Net)

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