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Star Wars: The Surprisingly Practical Reason Why This Character Wasn’t In The Last Jedi [SPOILERS]

Disclaimer: This post will contain spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

As many know by now, Star Wars: The Last Jedi saw a few big characters from the original trilogy return to the franchise. Of course, Luke and Leia were back from The Force Awakens. However, there was one other character who made a grand appearance in the film.

This your last chance to leave before you get spoiled.

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That character is Master Yoda, Luke’s teacher, and all-around badass. However, as great of a return Yoda was, it would have almost seemed more fitting if another Jedi Master had made an appearance. I’m talking about Obi-Wan Kenobi. After all, Obi-Wan is the one who introduced Luke to the Force in the first place, right?

Well, apparently, we weren’t the only ones to think that, and the folks over at The Playlist were smart enough to ask Rian Johnson why Ewan McGregor wasn’t asked to return as the character. Johnson’s reasoning was incredibly solid, especially on a practical level.

“Believe me, man. I would have loved to have had Ewan McGregor in the movie but it was just a matter of storytelling. The original relationship with Obi Wan — obviously if Alec Guiness were still with us that would have made sense. But we never saw Luke ever interact with the Ewan version of Obi Wan, so there’s less of the emotional connection and it might have been a little odd. So, it made sense and we could recreate that character [practically], so it made sense that Yoda be the one that comes back and kicks [Luke’s] butt a little.”

Whether or not you hate Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it sounds like Johnson was on the mark with that one. While we do love us some Luke x Obi-Wan fanfics, the reality is that it would’ve been weird to see him alongside a younger, aged up McGregor. It would have likely rung false for fans and been a bit odd.

What do you think of Johnson’s decision? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: The Playlist

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