Walt Disney Animation Studios has released a brand trailer for their next animated feature animation, Strange World. The film will introduce the world to the Clades, a legendary family of explorers. We’ll watch them try to navigate an uncharted, treacherous land designed by the magicians at Disney Animation Studios. Check out the trailer below!
Great trailer for the film. While you’ll see amazing visuals in the strange world via creatures and landscapes that include every color except green. Also be aware that nothing in the world is what it seems, just when you think you’ve figured out a creature, it may change. But within all those visuals is a story about three generations of a family.
Here is the synopsis for Disney Animations Strange World
A brand-new trailer, poster and trailer stills are now available for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ action-packed adventure “Strange World.” Opening in U.S. theaters this Nov. 23rd. The feature film introduces a legendary family of explorers, the Clades. As they attempt to navigate an uncharted, treacherous land alongside a motley crew. That includes a mischievous blob, a three-legged dog and a slew of ravenous creatures.
“Inspired by classic adventure stories,” said director Don Hall. “‘Strange World’ is an original animated adventure/comedy about three generations of the Clade family who overcome their differences. While exploring a strange, wondrous and oftentimes hostile world.”
The voice cast includes Jake Gyllenhaal as Searcher Clade, a family man who finds himself out of his element on an unpredictable mission; Dennis Quaid as Searcher’s larger-than-life explorer father, Jaeger; Jaboukie Young-White as Searcher’s 16-year-old son, Ethan, who longs for adventure; Gabrielle Union as Meridian Clade, an accomplished pilot and Searcher’s partner in all things; and Lucy Liu as Callisto Mal, Avalonia’s fearless leader who spearheads the exploration into the strange world.
“Strange World” is helmed by Don Hall (Oscar®-winning “Big Hero 6,” “Raya and the Last Dragon”) and co-director/writer Qui Nguyen (co-writer “Raya and the Last Dragon”), and produced by Roy Conli (Oscar®-winning “Big Hero 6,” “Tangled”).
Walt Disney Animation’s Strange World opens in theaters this November 23.