Last year, Stranger Things quietly hit Netflix with little fanfare. Sure, we had a trailer and poster, and all the usual marketing moves from the streaming service, but they were clearly going for word of mouth on this one, and boy did it take hold within the pop culture space.
Over the course of the next couple weeks, the series quickly became a huge hit. With its clever mix between Stephen King and Steven Spielberg, Stranger Things found a devoted audience who would eagerly await the season to come.
RELATED: Do Stranger Things Trailers Show Too Much?
But this would be no easy task. As with any unexpected breakout hit, there is a lot of pressure on this second season to live up to a season that had literally no expectations to begin with. Could Stranger Things 2 possibly capture lightning in a bottle a second time? Early reviews are in, and while the new season of TV isn’t perfect, it certainly sounds like there’s a lot to love.
Check out some of the early reviews below:
Polygon – Julia Alexander
“After watching all nine episodes of Stranger Things 2, it’s evident that the Duffer brothers won out on their high-stakes bet. Stranger Things 2 is a full blown, stand-alone sequel to the show’s first season. Rather than plugging in more puzzle pieces, Stranger Things 2 abandons many of the first season’s setups to focus on a new direction. There are obvious connections between the first and second season, as there would be with any sequel, but Stranger Things 2 deviates from the attitude and generic makeup that defined the first season.”
Variety – Maureen Ryan
“Until Stranger Things 2 really gets going — and that takes a while — it trails an air of self-consciousness that veers into strained fan service at times. The good news is, the show’s core cast remains an extremely versatile and effective ensemble, and once the story kicks into a higher gear about halfway through the nine-episode season, a lot of the old magic returns.”
Collider – Allison Keene
“It’s rare for a TV series to come out of the gate as self-assured and as well-received as Stranger Things did, and even rarer for it to be able to maintain that into a second season. But somehow, The Duffer Brothers have again managed to wield their particular alchemy and create a follow-up worthy of the hype created by its predecessor. Stranger Things is not reinventing television, but it does once again provide a highly entertaining, extremely bingeable, and even surprisingly heartwarming viewing experience.”
Indiewire – Ben Travers
“Stranger Things 2 is big. Everything about it is big. Its story is big, its emotions are big, its music cues, homages, and characters are all big, big, big. With an additional episode, a handful of new faces, more money in the budget and inflated ideas to match, the sequel season to Netflix’s breakout original series is a conscious move to broaden its scope and lengthen its story. Season 2 takes a while to get going, and there are more growing pains other than additional setup, but the first season’s lively spirit perseveres for a largely thrilling adventure that’s hard not to enjoy.”
Are you even more excited for Stranger Things 2 now? Let us know down below!
Stranger Things 2 hits Netflix this Friday!
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SOURCE: Various