Just days after it was reported that Terri Hatcher has joined the cast of Supergirl, we learn that Kevin Sorbo from God’s Not Dead and Kull the Conqueror has joined up as well. Oh yeah, he may have had a “minor” role in the TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess.
Andrew Kreisberg, the executive producer of Supergirl, welcomes him to the show.
“Since his days as Hercules, Kevin Sorbo has brought such a strong presence to the screen and we couldn’t be more excited to have him join us on Supergirl.”
Guilty Pleasure Time
If it were not for Hercules, Xena, and Buffy I may not be here today sitting on my arse writing this piece. Err, umm, ok so that is both good and bad, as I have not actually seen the sun in a few days. In my teenage years, I liked things that most rebellious teenagers enjoy: girls, booze, sneaking out at night, and video games. I had little interest in television until Buffy and Hercules came on the air, and ever since that time I have been a TV junkie. Furthermore, the fantasy element got me into comics and Dungeons & Dragons as well. Needless to say, I was very excited when I saw that Sorbo was joining the cast in an otherwise appalling season of Supergirl.
We do know that he will playing a recurring “villain” role, and some speculate that he and Terri Hatcher will be the two masked figures we saw hunting Mon-El in the midseason finale. However, we also know that in these type of shows, and comics in general, sometimes villains end up turning into heroes.
What if he is playing the DC comic character; Hercules. While not as cool as Marvel’s version, Hercules does have major ties to Wonder Woman, and we have already seen Lynda Carter make a guest appearance on the show where she eluded to her, “Other airplane,” [paraphrased] indicating that she may be Wonder Woman. If they went this route I would be extremely happy! There is also a Golden Age comic superhero named Joe Hercules, that is an ordinary man who gained super strength and too up the moniker. In all fairness, Sorbo probably would like to distance as far away from Hercules as possible,but it would be very cool of him to give us this throw-back.
Are you happy that Sorbo is joining the cast? I know, when compared to today’s shows, that Hercules was pretty terrible, but I loved it — did you as well? Would you like to see Sorbo playing Hercules in the show? Let us know!
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Source: EW