Last week on Supergirl, I was able to actually come on here and give a fairly positive review. There were lots of clever action scenes with the Martians, the drama and action balance was perfect (which you may remember I dubbed as the Berlanti Formula), and it was flat out a good episode.
Not so much this week.
The show starts at the childhood house of the Luthors, where a young Lena Luthor is introduced to her “brother”, Lex. Very quickly, we flash-forward into the actual relationship of Lillian Luthor (Lex Luthor’s mother) and Lena, where the mother confesses that Lena is a “love child” of Lionel Luthor (Lex Luthor’s dad). However, this makes Lilian and Lena the only two Luthor’s left. It is still ambiguous to what actually happened to Lex, but he is apparently imprisoned after turning insane with a bout against Superman.
Now we get to some action, and do not get me wrong, John Corben, aka Metallo, is a great Superman villain, but he is pretty lame in Supergirl. In previous episodes, Lillian was arrested and Corben was neutralized when Superman flew almost all the Kryptonite off planet. Thanks to Momma Luthor, Metallo is able to get some synthetic Kryptonite which he uses to get Lillian out of court and to a hidden base. There is a big problem however, the synthetic Kryptonite is unstable.
Lena gets blamed for her mom’s escape, gets arrested, and while in jail Metallo breaks her out against her will. But fear not my Superfriends, it is The Guardian to the rescue — where he promptly gets his butt handed to him, yet again. James gets patched up and Supergirl ends up in the secret base where Lillian finds some of Lex’s old gear. Throughout the entire season, we have been led to believe that Lena Luthor is actually a hero, even though she has done some seedy things which could indicate otherwise. Finally, the fight explodes, literally, as the synthetic kryptonite gives out and blows up the base, but everyone except Metallo make it to safety.
There was some cool items of interest in the base itself. An Atomic Axe, Lex’s Battlesuit, and the Black Mercy plant which has the power to attach itself to a host and put them into a dreamlike state.
The episode ends when Supergirl and Mon-El look like they are about to patch up their relationship, when a mystical being, that many DC fans know well, shows up to profess his love to Kara. Enter Mr. Mxyzptlk played by Peter Gadiot! Next weeks episode should be much more entertaining.
One other note of interest; last week a commenter (Weresmurf) pointed out that the season has become more episodic and we were all trying to figure out who the big bad this year is. Well, I believe it is actually Lena Luthor, as one quick scene shows her and Lex playing Chess as children, and she was clearly the genius of the family.
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What do you think? Is Lillian Luthor simply just a pawn in Lena’s masterful art of war? How will Mr. Mxyzptlk work out next week? Let us hear from you!