Dizzle By Stronghold Games
Players:1 to 4
Playtime:30 minutes
Perfect for: Players who enjoy competitive roll and write games with medium complexity.
Dizzle is a game of strategic dice drafting, whereby the choices made directly impact long-term opportunities to collect points as well as other players’ ability to score. To begin Dizzle one to six players take identical sheets of paper which contain several different blocks in a grid-like pattern, each of which has a dice value. Some blocks contain additional symbols which indicate a power or objective that is activated or achieved if that spot is marked. The goal is to mark off blocks strategically in order to score maximum points.
To play Dizzle the designated first player rolls a pool of size, with the total size of the pool determined by the number of players. The dice are then organized by number. One at a time, players draft one die in clockwise progression, placing the selection on their sheets in a block with a corresponding value. Each drafted dice must be adjacent to a previous selection and placement, either that round or before. Once all dice have been drafted and placed from the pool, players mark off the boxes currently holding die with an “x,” return all dice to the pool, and then repeat the process with the next player.
Dizzle comes with four levels/variations of the game sheet that can be played. The level chosen designates the special actions available as well as the way scores will be tabulated. For example, in level 1, players can reach bomb spaces making those boxes unusable on every other players’ sheet and giving them negative points at the end of the game. Other common scoring mechanics including marking off all boxes of a particular type or fulfilling objectives before opponents.
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Occasionally, a scenario might occur where a player can’t place a dice from the pool available to them or doing so would have an adverse effect. In those situations, players can try their luck by rerolling the available dice in the pool, but if after the reroll they are still unable to make a placement, they must remove a dice they placed that round from their board into the pool, making it available now to other players.
What works in Dizzle is the engaging nature of the gameplay, by adding depth to the base mechanic of dice rolling, drafting, and writing. Players must pay very close attention to the actions of their opponents in order to be both efficient in their draft selections as well as prudent to not have scoring opportunities closed off to them. The variations in strategy are fairly expansive when considering the unique layouts of each level and the various discrete paths players could take to score points or hinder others. The actual abilities are also quite clever such as having to navigate to rocket ships symbols in order to begin marking off boxes in other sections on the sheet.
While Dizzle adds some very creative complexity to the roll and write genre, it is still very much a comparative light-weight game that has a decent of luck, so players looking for something much heavier may not enjoy this title as much. It should be noted that while the base game includes four levels, future levels are already in development and will be available as expansions, thus increasing the replay value for those who have that concerns that the box contains limited replay value.
Dizzle is quick and easy game that provides an interactive and enjoyable experience in under 30 minutes. It’s very simple to learn for new players, but also has enough variance to keep avid gamers’ attention.
Recommended if you like: Kingdomino Duel, Encore!
Final Grade: A
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