THE BATMAN Review | Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast
Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast is about analyzing geekdom and the things we like: an in-depth examination of movies, television, and culture. Expect reviews, a look at entertainment controversies, and other fun content! This Podcast is a once a week release coming out every Friday
It’s a mishmash of old and new this week. On the three-year anniversary of Breaking Geek Radio, Nick(@geekyNICKDOLL), Jammer (@jamthewriter), Tanya, and Jonesy (@sirjonesiest) meet for the first time in person to gleefully review Matt Reeves’s The Batman. What happens when the crew comes together?! Find out inside! There’s no news this week, so the review starts immediately!
Previously, on Breaking Geek Radio: Superbowl Trailers Plus Uncharted And Peacemaker Review
Thanks to everyone who has listened and commented over the years. We do this for you just as much as for each other. We certainly wouldn’t be the premiere or flagship podcast without your support. Thank you.
BONUS: Photos of us preparing and then podcasting The Batman Review.