Given the title it would be fair to say I enjoyed this one. Check out my The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 review below. I’ll try to stay away from any SPOILERS, but if you were planning to watch it anyway without a review then I’d suggest to go do that first.
Episode 2 once again tells us two different stories, but all the story of Boba Fett. Once again we have one story set in the current post-Mando timeline in which Boba Fett is trying to consolidate his rule. However there are some new players in town and even Fett knows these visitors are not to be trifled with. Especially given they have their own terrifying Bounty Hunters. I feel like the majority of the Episode though is once again centered on the period in the past where Fett is with the Tuskens. Frankly, so far I been enjoying the flashback scenes more and that remains the case in Episode 2.
However I really, really enjoyed the time we spend this week with Fett and the Tuskens. I won’t spoil the plot of this flashback, however the stakes are escalated and we see Fett settle more into life with the Tuskens. There are some great action scenes with the Tuskens and frankly I was glued to my seat watching Fett trade knowledge and skills with them. Plus we get to see the Pikes again, and those guys are always cool. My guess is that this won’t be the last we see of them either.
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We now have a picture of what happened to Fett before we first saw him again in Mando S2. However, the picture is not complete. We know some of that story, but still not why Fett left the Tuskens to go retrieve his suit and meet Mando. So far I am just loving the glimpse we are getting into the world of the Tuskens, a group we always knew precious little of even in the old EU books. These are a people now, with their own needs, problems and motivations. For a long time Sandpeople were just another of Star Wars many monsters. The Book of Boba Fett is changing all that, and so far I like what I see.
I seemed to like Episode 1 a lot more than most people I’ve come across, so perhaps if you did not like Episode 1, you may not feel differently this week either? Maybe you will, who can say? I can say for sure that this fan is being entertained.
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