It goes without saying there could be some Boba Fett spoilers in here folks. Today we share a The Book of Boba Fett scene description published by SWNN. We cannot say for certain if this description is legit, but I have no reason to think it’s not. Therefore if that description would represent spoilers to you , I’d suggest you don’t carry on reading.
The Book of Boba Fett Scene Description Below!
According to the outlet sources have described an action scene for them, and it sounds like a wild ride. I’ll let them describe it for themselves.
A reliable source has described a scene from The Book of Boba Fett to us. In the scene, Boba Fett will be encountering and quite possibly taming/controlling a rancor. Our source was not completely positive on whether Fett is fighting the beast or controlling it, but Fett is standing on the back of the Rancor’s neck and looks like he’s riding and controlling it, as it tears through a complex/city street on what is likely Tatooine. We consulted with a separate source who confirmed the scene is indeed in the series.
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I’d argue this is hardly story spoilers, but it may spoil a cool WTF moment when watching the show. Fan’s who don’t mind leaks have already begun speculating about whether this Rancor is the one from The Bad Batch Season 1, all grown up? There’s no way currently to rule that in or out. However one Rancor we can rule out is the one Luke killed in Return of the Jedi. Yes, I know it’s dead, but that won’t stop fans speculating.
Here’s what the outlet said though:
We had an artist create a rendering based on all of the details we were told, which includes the rancor wearing huge chest-plate armor and wrist guards. The rancor is said to be much lighter in complexion than Pateesa (the rancor Luke Skywalker killed in Return of the Jedi), and is more of a sandy color. Our apologies to Malakili, the rancor keeper from ‘Jedi‘, who might have been hoping his beloved pet survived much like Boba Fett did.
I cannot share the image without permission sadly, but feel free to check the source link at the top of this page.
Clearly the look of this Rancor sets it apart from Pateesa, and we can therefore rule that unlikely scenario out. Who knows, maybe Fett just wants a Rancor in his dungeon like Jabba had? Therefore, he goes to get one? What is cool though, is that we will get to see a Rancor for the first time in live-action with modern special effects.
What do you think of this The Book of Boba Fett scene description? Do you see any major Boba Fett spoilers arising from this leak? Thoughts below as always.