Let’s just get this out of the way this episode of The Mandalorian was AMAZING and one of the best episodes of the series. Although it ranks at one of the shortest episodes time wise, coming in just under 30 minutes, it is packed with action from start to finish. After what some considered a lack luster episode last week with The Passenger, the series took every second of this episode to make up for it. With appearance from new and old characters there is so much to unfold so let’s get right into it.
This is your last warning if you haven’t seen the latest episode of The Mandalorian….
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Chapter The Passenger was the kick off for Din Djarin’s journey to find another Mandalorian which would lead them to Mon Calamari. It was at the beginning of this episode the group finally made it to the moon of Trask and Frog Lady reunite with her husband. We also got the scene from the trailer of Sasha Banks watching Din Djarin from a distance. The rumor for so long was that she would be portraying a famous Star Wars character, Sabine Wren, but that turned out to not be true. Her character is Koska Reeves, another Mandalorian who is a member of Bo-Katan’s clan.
What appeared as another episode of Mando and The Child on a voyage looking for another Mandalorian quickly became an action packed mission. The entrance of Bo-Katan Kryze, Koska Reeves, and Axe Woves flying in to save Din Djarin and The Child was something amazing and what was once assumed to be only for major films. Bo-Katan’s armor was identical as her armor from the animated series of The Clone Wars and Rebels.
One of the biggest mysteries has been finally addressed in this episode. After Din Djarin and The Child are saved by Bo-Katan she immediately takes of her helmet to Din’s surprise. It is finally addressed that Din Djarin is a Child of The Watch which was a cult that broke away from Mandolorian society to re-establish the ancient way. This finally explains why Din never takes his helmet off but other Mandalore’s we have seen throughout the Star Wars universe take off their helmet.
While it didn’t shock me that Din Djarin was hesitant to join Bo-Katan after being saved it seemed kinda weird since he was looking for Mandalorians. When Din is saved once again from Bo-Katan and her crew we find out what the heir to Mandalore is doing. She and her crew are gathering weapons to retake the lost planet and take her rightful place as leader of Mandalore. Her ultimate goal although is to get the Darksaber back from Moff Gideon.
There was also a brief cameo appearance from Moff Gideon although through hologram. It seems that he knows of Bo-Katan and her mission and wasn’t willing to risk anymore Empire troops to save one ship. Ultimately leaving the captain to crash the ship into the ocean so the Mandalore’s fail their mission. After the mission was a success Din finally gets the information he needs to locate a Jedi. Of course the name we heard was the one we have been hearing about for a long time, Ahsoka Tano.
Overall this episode is the best so far of the season and up there as one of the best overall. While the episode was shorter in time than the previous two episodes it didn’t waist a second of time. It felt like if you blinked one second you would miss something important. It does feel that the story is just really getting to a heightened tension where it left off at the end of the first season. Of course the big tease was the information of where Ahsoka Tano is. Hopefully we will see the live action of Ahsoka next week but most are assuming it will be in two weeks.
Overall Score: A++
What do you think about this exclusive look? Are you excited as I am for season two of The Mandalorian?
The Mandalorian Season 2 is currently streaming on Disney+.