Amazon Prime have released a new Wheel of Time Season 3 clip online showing Rand sword training with Lan. One of the book reader criticisms of Wheel of Time Season 1 was that Rand does not train with Lan. Though Rand goes far beyond being a simple sword fighter, there’s grounding in his training which stays with him as the series progresses.
Warning, there are some mild spoilers here for the early episodes of Season 3 folks. As you’d expect from a clip.
As you can see below, Rand and some of his companions travel toward the Aiel Waste. In this scene we have Lan and Rand training whilst Egwene, Moiraine and Aviendha discuss previous and future events.
You can find my non-spoiler Episode 1 review below as I watched during the Global Fan Event this past Saturday. Wheel of Time Season 3 releases to everyone on March 13. Check back this Friday for my reviews of Episode 2 & 3.
RELATED: Wheel Of Time S3E1 Review – Starts With A Bang
That opening episode was very good in my opinion, very good. Today also see’s the full season review embargo lifted. Therefore, those lucky enough to get early access have their full season 3 reviews dropping today.
I’ve had a small look at the general reactions. My main focus has been on fantasy/Wheel of Time focused creators. Creators where I trust their opinions and somewhat understand their praises and criticisms of the previous seasons. On that front, I’m hearing extremely positive feedback. For the general (not fantasy/WoT focused), casual critics I’m getting a 7-8/10 feel so far. I can however say that the opening episode was brilliant. I have heard this season is more faithful to the books…and this was one of my favourite books. I’m excited to see more.
What do you think of the new Wheel of Time Season 3 clip showing Rand sword training with Lan? Thoughts below as always.