Three Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows To Lead Us Into Summer

Three binge-worthy Netflix shows to lead us into Summer! Summer is right around the corner! It seems like yesterday we were just beginning 2022! Yet here we are. While many of us are making our way back to the theaters for films, that does not mean we have left the small screen and comfort of our homes behind. In fact, in the same way we are getting more movies which were delayed due to Covid, the same is occurring for our streaming services. In order to get ready for summer, I thought I would go through three binge-worthy series that are premiering new seasons leading into summer. With such a variety of streaming services out there, the list could be quite lengthy. I have decided to stick with Netflix for this specific article. The three I have are in the order of when the newest season premiers. Set your weekend plans aside, or take a sick day, and lets add some series to the binging list!

1. Better Call Saul (Seasons 1-5) Season 6 Premieres on AMC April 18 + Breaking Bad (Seasons 1-5)

This is a two for one. If you are a fan of Breaking Bad then you are more than likely a fan of Better Call Saul. Season 5 of Better Call Saul just dropped on Netflix at the beginning of April. However, the sixth, and final, season of the series is on AMC from April 18 through August 15. Now the sad part is that Season 6 more than likely will not be available on Netflix until sometime in 2023…So, you can hurry and binge the series 1-5 then try to catch Season 6!

Bob Odenkirk is great as Jimmy McGill, Saul Goodman’s lawyer. The season met further delays due to his heart attack. We are all thankful he recovered well. By now, most know that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are going to be reprising their Breaking Bad roles as Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. Season 6 will be crossing the bridge between the two shows. Odenkirk himself even states that seeing Season 6 will make fans want to watch Breaking Bad all over again. So what better time than now? Binge Better Call Saul Seasons 1-5, try to get in on Season 6, then follow up with Breaking Bad all over again! You know how that idea sounds to me?

2. Stranger Things (Seasons 1-3) Season 4: Volume 1 — Premieres May 27 / Volume 2 –July 1


The last time we were given Stranger Things was July 4, 2019! We are beyond ready for Season 4 to hit on May 27! The newest trailer came out last week and…wow! It looks wild. Last we saw, our friends from Hawkins were going their separate ways. It looked like Hopper was dead, but we have known for some time that he is a prisoner in Russia.

Just like real life, the gang cannot run from their problems. After seemingly conquering the Mind Flayer and Demogorgon, there is another threat, which is another Dungeons and Dragons inspired creature: Vecna. This time, the crew has to come back together, but the difference is that the battle doesn’t appear to be in Hawkins, but in the Upside Down.

Seasons 1-3 have seen our favorite Hawkins adolescents on the defense. Could they be on the offense this time? I still think that the other experimented children will come in to play at some point. Back in Season 2 we are introduced to Kali Prasad, Eight, in a few episodes that seem somewhat out of place.

Yes, she helps Eleven harness her powers, but there has to be more to her. I think the rest of the experimented group will come together with the Hawkins crew at some point. Whatever may happen, Season 4 looks amazing! Take some time to refresh so you are ready to make the trip to the Upside Down next month!

3. Peaky Blinders (Seasons 1-5) Season 6 Premieres June 10. 

Of course I would have Peaky Blinders on the list, right? It is one of my favorite series of all time. Much like Better Call Saul, Season 6 will be the series finale. Of course it makes me sad. However, there is still a big-screen film to come and a spin-off of some sort. I have a friend who introduced me to the series. They have already been lucky enough to see Season 6 and they said it is the best of the series “hands down”. Now, I trust this individual as we rank the seasons in similar orders.

The trailer looks extremely dire for Tommy and the Shelby family. I am hoping the family can end on a high note, but that doesn’t seem realistic. Creator Steven Knight did say he wants to tell the story of the family between WWI and WWII. So, will the sirens sound for the beginning of WWII near the series finale, or will we see that in the eventual feature film? Only time will tell.

I definitely recommend refreshing the series. There are so many details that are uncovered through multiple viewings. Season 5 ends on a cliffhanger. Season 6 will kick off right where Season 5 left off. So, pour yourself some whiskey and go binge the series, by order of the Peaky Blinders!

ALSO SEE: Stranger Things 4 Trailer, DC Entertainment Overhaul, And Secrets Of Dumbledore Review | Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast

So while these are obvious choices for some, I enjoy re-watching a series in order prior to the premiere of a new season. Also, the release order beings us right into summer! Will you be binge watching any of my suggestions? Would you add to the list? If so, what would you add? Thanks for reading! I only covered Netflix, however, if you want us to cover other streaming services as well, let us know in the comments! What would be your binge-worthy Netflix shows this Summer?

Sources: Yahoo! Entertainment, WON

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