Welcome to LRM Ranks It the new video feature where two LRM writers share their personal rankings for various properties! Be it comic book movies or Star Wars-related, you’d better believe we have opinions on what’s good, what’s bad, and what’s best.
This week, The Cantina columnist Kyle Malone and contributor Stephon White go head-to-head on their own feelings for the Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe films. This is an interesting list because the only rule was “They have to be MCU movies” and Kyle and Stephon have very different points of view.
The MCU spans 20 movies so far with 2019 bringing us three more in the form of Captain Marvel, Avengers 4, and Spider-Man: Far From Home. You can find Breaking Geek Columnist Nick Doll’s running ranking of all the MCU films HERE.
RELATED: Spider-Man: All Six Live-Action Films Ranked Worst To Best | LRM Ranks It
From the humble beginnings of Iron Man, and it’s tantalizing a genre-defining post-credits scene, to the heart-wrenching effects of Thanos’ “snap” the MCU has gone through many changes and added many characters. It has made billions of dollars in profits, and it brightens the world for fanboys and fangirls across this planet. It is impossible for anyone to agree on a ranking for these movies, save maybe a general consensus on the top three, but let us know in the comments below what your Top 10 MCU movies are.
Missed last week’s video ranking the Spider-Man movies? Not a fan of video in general? You can get the audio here and listen on the go:
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