Toy Story: Pixar’s Andrew Stanton Debunks Heartbreaking Theory, Kills Dreams

Late last week, we reported on a new theory that was making the rounds. Youtuber and toy collector Mike Mozart claimed to be a consultant on the first Toy Story, and in the video from SuperCarlinBrothers, he discussed the backstory from one of the writers, Joe Ranft. In this story, the “true” tale behind Andy, his father, and Woody’s strange case of amnesia was supposedly revealed.

It’s a heartbreaking and depressing story, but it’s one that makes perfect sense in context of everything we know about the films. I won’t get into the specifics of the theory here, but if you’re in the mood to have your heart broken, I recommend checking out the full story HERE.

Sadly, we’re not allowed to have nice things here online, and it didn’t take long for someone to put a wet blanket over the whole thing. Finding Dory and Wall-E director Andrew Stanton took to Twitter to throw in his two cents regarding the story, and he didn’t mince any words.

Admittedly, if we were to choose of the two, which of the men we’d see as more credible, we’d have to go with Stanton. The guy was there from day one, and is a part of that core team that helped make Pixar the animation studio it is today.

In regards to this debunking, Mozart himself defended his story on Twitter saying:

Jonathan Carlin, one of the Carlin Brothers who put out the video, also responded to Stanton’s tweet, asking him if he wants to do an interview, before backing the claim, stating that Joe Ranft was there too.

Perhaps there’s a middle ground here. Maybe Joe Ranft had created a backstory for the film that the others weren’t privy to. Sadly, because Ranft is no longer with us, it’s impossible to know for sure what he could have actually told Mozart. At this point, it may be worth demoting this story to theory.

What do you think? Do you buy Mozart’s story, even if it’s now been questioned? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCES: Andrew Stanton, Jonathan Carlin, Mike Mozart (via Twitter)

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