Venom Movie Announced Today Out Of Nowhere, And They Already Have A Director

We just learned that Aquaman was pushed back to December 2018, and it appears Sony has jumped on this oppurtunity to release a standalone Venom film during Aquaman‘s old October release slot, and Venom is now dated for October 5, 2018. The movie will be directed by Alex Kurtzman who wrote The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and is directing The Mummy reboot. I know that some reaction to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was unfavorable, to say the least, but the writing was well done. Perhaps, the execution was the problem.

If you do not know who Venom is, well, I would be highly surprised that you are reading this website. The last time we saw him was in Spider-Man 3, where Topher Grace butchered him with the most unlikely Eddie Brock (the most well known Venom) to ever hit the big screen. Grace was a bad fit, as Eddie Brock is gigantic in the books, and someone like The Rock would have done a much better job, both physically and with his acting ability.

However, Eddie Brock has not always been Venom. An alien parasitic symbiote is actually what turns a person into Venom, and recently Mac Gargan (The Scorpion) and Flash Thompson has taken up the persona. Flash has done it the best, as heseems to have some control over the symbiote, due to sheer will power, drugs to stabilize him, and at times even by bargaining with it. This would be my pick for the character to portray Venom, especially if done like the comics where Flash lost both of his legs, and without Venom he is wheelchair bound.

There is however one major problem here that needs to be addressed. Sony and MCU have made a deal to where Spidey is part of the Avengers now. Would they do the same with Venom? I highly doubt it. In fact, I bet we do not even see Spider-Man in this movie. However, if they went with the Flash story line where he takes control of Venom, and is basically the hero of the film, I could see the villain being none other than Carnage. Now THIS is a film I would watch.

No plot is known at this time, and all we can do is speculate, but speculation is fun — and gives us all theories and questions to ponder for almost two years.

What do you guys think? Will Venom be the hero of the film? Will we see Spider-Man or Carnage? Would Flash be the best fit for Venom? Finally, which actor should play Venom? I am excited, are you?

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Source: Twitter Exhibitor Relations

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