What episode does Darth Vader appear in Obi-Wan Kenobi? We know that Darth Vader is a major component of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but now some insiders have said they know when the Dark Lord of the Sith shows up at first. Given that this may be considered SPOILERS by some fans I tagged it on the title. However for now this should also be treated as a rumor and not confirmation.
According to MSW, who we recently covered a story from about the actors playing Darth Vader (other than Hayden), have released another article claiming their sources have told them where Darth Vader makes his first appearance. So what episode does Darth Vader appear in Obi-Wan Kenobi? They say it is Episode 3, and that after this point Vader will be in all episodes of the show.
Here is exactly what was published by MSW.
Several sources spoke to me about Darth Vader and the fight as well as the lead up to it. These sources all said a version of the same thing to some extent. The first episodes are about Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa and the Inquisitors. But by the third episode, Darth Vader returns. Episode 3, 4, 5, and 6 all feature Darth Vader as the main antagonist pulling the strings. Vader’s role is major and the hype is not misplaced.
I have nothing to back this claim up with, so again, treat it as a rumor for now.
RELATED: Four Actors Who Play Darth Vader In Obi-Wan Kenobi Rumor | Barside Buzz
The outlet also says that one of the Darth Vader actors, (the swordfighter Tom O’Connell) is also playing an unknown Jedi in the show, However whether this is part of the flashbacks to The Clone Wars, or a survivor of Order 66, they do not know?
In the series he plays a Zabrak Jedi, like Darth Maul but without the face tattoos (think Eeth Koth). It isn’t clear if he’s one of the surviving Jedi or if his character stems from one of the Order 66 flash backs. But the take away is there are new and unknown Jedi in this series.
There you have it folks. It looks like fans should not expect to see Star Wars number one favorite character show up until Episode 3. However once he does, he’s back big time.
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