What if the Watcher broke his oath? This week is of course the second part of one story and, the oath breaking itself began last week. The Watcher, bested by Infinity Ultron fled and sought help from Strange Supreme, the really dark and powerful version of Strange which was trapped forever in a pocket dimension. If you’ve not seen any of the promo’s for this season finale, then I won’t spoil things here, at least not until after the jump.
As always, here’s my spoiler free thoughts.
I loved this finale to the first Season of What If? It felt like all the episodes had been building towards this moment, even the one cut for not being ready in time. What we get is then a constantly moving, always fun, and exciting Season 1 capper. The only criticism I have this week, is that the episode simply was not long enough. That’s been a common criticism of What If? Season 1 from me and it remains true in this finale. Another 10-15 minutes to help set events up at the start may have just improved the drama. However, this finale works well despite the shorter running time because it’s all about the climax. There’s also some mid-credits stinger for what could potentially happen in Season 2. Therefore, don’t switch off when the titles come up this week.
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I liked some episodes of What If? more than others, but overall, I thought Season 1 was a fun ride, generally.
What If The Watcher Broke His Oath – Season Finale SPOILERS below.
Ok, I can loose my tongue a little now. I really enjoyed the final fight against Ultron with the Guardians all together. Ergo, I liked this episode because that’s the majority of the runtime. For once this week there was no moments which made me sit up and get angry at the writers. All in all everything works well here, kinda. As always once you start thinking more deeply about things, the logic can fall apart.
You could ask why Ultron with all Infinity Stones, cannot simply will his opponents out of existence for example? However, I guess you can head canon that away by thinking maybe Ultron didn’t realize how powerful the Stones really were? I know it’s flimsy, but hopefully you get my point? I also was really confused why Killmonger had been chosen instead of say, Zombie Hunter Spider-Man? However that becomes clear when we see how The Watcher had these events planned before the recruitment stage, and it works well.
Loose Ends
There are of course a few loose ends that don’t get tied up. What happens to the Universes Ultron already sterilized of all life? Additionally what happened to the heroes at the end of What If Zombies? I know we saw Zombie Thanos, I didn’t like it then and I still don’t like it. However did Peter, Scott’s head etc. survive, or just got eaten like everyone else? We kinda get resolutions to most of the other episodes here, but not the Zombies one. We do know at least that Zombie Wanda survived and was used as a distraction to stall Infinity Ultron, for a few seconds at least, until he destroyed the planet she was standing on.
There were certainly a few other details that were left hanging, but it appears Season 2 will mostly move into new what ff scenarios rather than following on from the events of Season 1. One character we know will return already as Captain Carter, and it’s therefore obvious why Carter is a part of the mid-credit stinger. There have been rumors even that Atwell could show up as a live-action Carter within Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I’d say that’s at least one story nowhere near finished yet.
Overall, Season 1, as said above has had up’s and down’s. I kinda wished we got that cut episode of Tony Stark stuck in Saakar with Gamora, something we did see used as part of the finale if only briefly. Maybe they could finish it off and release it as an extra episode within Season 2?
What if the Watcher broke his oath? I’ll give my rating below, but tell us what you thought? What have you thought of What If? Season 1 as a whole?
Episode GRADE: A
Season 1 GRADE: B+