What The New Star Wars Trilogy Could Mean For The Franchise



In the latest episode of Los Fanboys, Jammer, David, and Explicit E delve into a question from Nathan Ivey that revolves around the brand new Star Wars trilogy set to hit from Star Wars: The Last Jedi helmer Rian Johnson. What does it mean for the franchise, and what timelines can it explore? From there, we discuss Disney’s new streaming service, the new Star Wars TV series, and status of the Marvel-Netflix shows once the service launches. We then take a trip to the DCEU, once again discussing Ben Affleck’s future in the franchise, and first reactions to Justice League before rounding off with the impending Lord of the Rings Amazon series.

If you’d like to send us a question, email us at [email protected], and get your question read aloud on the show!


00:00:00 – Intro and box office
00:16:30 – Listener Question: Thoughts on the new Star Wars trilogy from Rian Johnson
00:33:00 – Disney’s streaming service, Star Wars series, Marvel series, status of Marvel/Netflix series?
00:47:15 – Ben Affleck segueing out of the DCEU?
00:54:50 – Justice League first reactions
01:04:00 – Lord of the Rings Amazon TV series
01:12:55 – What we’ve been watching

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