The past couple of weeks have been crazy regarding the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series. The rumors surrounding the show started as it being altogether canceled, then delayed, then being canceled again, then delayed again due to the need to overhaul to the scripts. It’s been a rocky road indeed.
While trying to sort through all the rumors and stories, it got me thinking. What storyline would the Obi-Wan Kenobi series actually cover? While doing some research, I came up with multiple theories that would be able to tie in with the movies and animated television shows that are canon.
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After poring over all the information, There was really only one storyline that I was able to put together that fits all the canon.
Obi-Wan’s Journey to Become a Force Spirit
Here is what we know. At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Yoda tells Obi-Wan that there is one more training exercise he must complete while in isolation. Yoda reveals to Kenobi that his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had learned how to become a Force Ghost and that he must complete this task as well. What we don’t know is where this training takes place and what it looks like.
In The Clone Wars episodes “Voices,” “Destiny,” and “Sacrifice,” we see Yoda’s journey to learn how to become a Force spirit. Yoda travels to the place where life could have arisen and begins his quest. He had to conquer his hubris, demonstrate he could carry the burden of pain and not run away from it, and face his fears.
While The Clone Wars has already covered this plot, it would be perfect for a six-episode arc that allows us to see Kenobi deal with his “unfinished business,” so to speak. Each episode could deal with a loss from Kenobi’s past: his master Qui-Gon Jinn, his love Satine Kryze, his friend Padme, his padawan Anakin, and the loss of the Jedi Order. Even though Star Wars Rebels gave us the climatic ending duel between Kenobi and Darth Maul, the Obi-Wan Kenobi series could explain how Obi-Wan was able to take care of his old nemesis so easily through his training.
We all know that Kenobi was on Tatooine watching over Luke while he was being taken care of by Owen and Beru Lars. This means that the physical presence of Kenobi would have to be on Tatooine but the journey to learning how to become a Force Spirit could be a spiritual journey.
Going in this direction would allow the character of Kenobi to spiritually travel to other places outside of Tatooine. This would allow the return of some classic characters to come back and reprise their roles like Hayden Christensen, Liam Neeson, and even Ray Park as Darth Maul. This would be epic if the show could get some of the actors from the Prequels to reprise their roles.
What do you all think? What storyline would you like to see in the upcoming Kenobi series? Let us know in the comment section below.
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