When Marvel ended the Infinity Saga with Spider-Man: Far From Home it kind of left a gaping hole in the future of the MCU and the Avengers. No more Iron Man, no more Captain America (Steve Rogers version), no more Black Widow — well apart from the prequel solo movie that’s coming out next anyway.
We know that of those original Avengers we are getting at least one more Thor movie. Of course, I am referring to Thor: Love and Thunder. The fourth Thor movie releases in November of 2021, and Thor will be the first character to get a fourth solo movie in the MCU. As for Hawkeye, it seems he is being replaced by Kate Bishop and this story will play out within the Hawkeye Disney+ show, whenever that arrives.
This is, therefore, a new era we are moving into. The only outlying Avengers character we have not yet spoken about is Hulk. If you read last week’s ‘What This Fan Wants From… She-Hulk‘ (linked below), then you know I am a huge Hulk fan and I don’t want to see him side-lined just yet.
So far, it seems like Phase 4 will end with Thor: Love and Thunder. I’ll also guess it’ll be the end of Thor as a recurring character in the MCU. After that, we assume 2022 is the beginning of Phase 5. For Phase 5 there are some movies we know are definitely happening. Ant-Man 3, Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel 2, and Blade. So far though, there has been no hint of when the next team-up Marvel movie will be. There are no confirmed plans as yet, but we all know it is coming. This week’s column, I want to talk about what I as a fan would like to see in terms of ‘team-up’ movies in what remains of Phase 5.
RELATED: What This Fan Wants From…She-Hulk
Let me just be clear again this week. This is not speculation or prediction based on rumors and leaks. This is simply what I, as a fan of the MCU, would like to see them tackle next. Feel free to rubbish these ideas and give us your own, far better ones. Though, hopefully, you’ll at least hear me out.
I do feel like there are a lot of fans who just think Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame cannot be beaten, so are therefore less enthused about what comes next. Some friends of mine would qualify in this category for sure. We have to remember surely not every Avengers movie is going to be an event like that two-part story was. Infinity War and Endgame were the culmination of the entire Infinity Saga up to that point. I would, therefore, expect the next Avengers movie to not be on the scale of what we have seen most recently.
Instead, I would like to see at least one or two stand-alone Avengers movies across the next few years. Marvel shouldn’t be building to an event like the culmination of the Infinity Saga until a new overarching story has had time to develop. So what ideas out there would I like to see in Phase 5 and beyond?
Avengers 5: Gamma World
This is an attempt from me to make Hulk the focus of an Avengers film for once. I think it’s a story that could work well within the MCU, with a few variations. It also builds off of where I would like to see the She-Hulk series go, with the rumored inclusion of Red Hulk and Bruce Banner.
If Red Hulk, She-Hulk, The Leader, and hopefully a return to savage Hulk all happen within the She-Hulk show, then there is a great opportunity for an Avengers movie that puts the Hulk as a primary focus.
Where do I get ‘Gamma World’ from as an inspiration? We have to look at the old animated show Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The show was, in my opinion, one of the best Marvel cartoons ever made, but it only ran for two seasons. When Disney took full control of Marvel, the show was canceled and replaced with a Disney version instead.
I also feel like since then, the MCU has taken a lot of inspiration from that animated show. take the shot of the Avengers in their quantum suits in Endgame about to go on the mission as an example. It’s almost shot-for-shot the same as an episode of Avengers: EMH. In the cartoon, they wear special space suits to battle an enemy, but the way they all move forward is so strikingly similar I can’t help but feel the Russos took some inspiration here.
To get back to ‘Gamma World’, let me give you the brief synopsis.
What is Gamma World?
The Avengers are contacted by the government as prisoners have broken free from one of their special ‘super prisons’ called The Cube. The government cannot take action because The Cube is now surrounded by a gigantic Gamma Field that’s increasing in size periodically. The soldiers who enter are all instantly tuned into horrific Gamma type creatures, all enslaved under the guidance of The Leader.
Hulk is not around at this time and so the Avengers who remain go to investigate. They discover that other than Thor, any of them will also be transformed into monster should they set foot inside the Gamma Bubble. The Gamma beasts that exist in there are equivalent in strength to Hulk, but completely savage and enslaved by The Leader.
The crux is that despite Tony Stark creating suits for them to enter safely, things go wrong and Avengers are lost. The only Avengers who can safely work inside this Gamma Bubble other than Thor is Hulk. This of course, is exactly what The Leader wants, to lure Hulk to him and steal his powers. I won’t go over what happens because frankly it is irrelevant and would have different players.
Why Hulk?
The point is it’s a great story for a one-off Avengers movie that would see Hulk be the focus. It would also be a great point for the Avengers to include She-Hulk for the first time, with a view to her becoming a full member afterwards. With all this Gamma craziness, Banner would be sensible to recruit his freshly Hulked-out cousin into the mix. Like Banner, She-Hulk would be unaffected by the Gamma Bubble.
Avengers-level threat? Check. Cool reasons to turn other Avengers into monstrous creatures? Check. Hulk and She-Hulk against other Gamma induced terrors? Check. Way to bring She-Hulk into Avengers? Check. It could also, if Marvel wants to, provide a way to write out Mark Ruffalo’s Banner if need be.
Banner could decide to leave the planet as his power is too risky, he could perish to save everyone else. I don’t want Hulk to be written out, as there is no need unless Ruffalo has had enough of the role. Ruffalo is not the highest-earning of the OG Avengers. Hulk is also not a character that is limited by an actor’s age. Banner’s age is pretty irrelevant to what Hulk can do, and he is completely CGI anyway. However, if they do want that finality, then this movie could present it as an option at least.
One would imagine that new character will be the focus of further Avengers movies after this, so why not focus on Hulk for once? It’s still a team-up movie with a lot of potential for character progression and team dynamics. What about us getting to see Captain Marvel fighting Hulk type creatures for example? Maybe she could take the Thor role here as the one Avenger not affected other than the Hulk’s.
Avengers 5.5-aka ‘Thunderbolts’
One of the movies I thought worked really well for the build-up to Infinity War was Captain America: Civil War. Many fans refer to it as Avengers 2.5, and whilst Cap is the focus, it definitely does feel that way. I think the events of She-Hulk, and a ‘Gamma World’ types Avengers 5, could pave the way for a Thunderbolts movie. It would also be cool to see that movie be told from the focus of the actual Thunderbolts as opposed to the Avengers themselves. However, I do feel like a Thunderbolts vs Avengers movie is coming anyway, too many rumors and hints for it.
Thunderbolts would also be the perfect team-up movie for Spider-Man to appear, and we know he will appear in at least one more team-up movie. I’d totally be up for an Avengers 5.5 style Thunderbolts movie, it could really drive a new wedge into the MCU that was not there before and the pieces are already moving into place for it.
If The Leader is no longer available after the events of Avengers 5, they still have a team. Red Hulk (General Ross), Abomination is still around, as is Justin Hammer, Baron Zemo, and maybe even U.S. Agent. They could introduce one or two more across Phase 4 and 5 to fill out the team. By this point, Marvel could also be looking at introducing The Fantastic Four, it could be cool to see them join the fight against the Thunderbolts, The Thing vs Abomination or Red Hulk would be something to see, even if he would be outmatched on his own.
This could lead us to an interesting, but still self-contained Avengers 6.
Avengers 6?
By this point, I absolutely would like to see The Fantastic Four be a major part of Avengers. I’d at least like for this to be the first real Avengers film they appear in. And as for which villain that could connect deeply with The Fantastic Four, you have a few choices. Doctor Doom is an obvious choice, though I feel like he should be saved for an event movie instead, like Thanos. So, what about Kang the Conqueror?
Kang has been rumored many times recently for the MCU, but we don’t know when, or if he will show up. Current rumors are that he could make his debut in the Loki show being developed. Especially, as that show seems to heavily involve time travel. Loki may also include the Time Variance Authority, of which Kang was once a member. Kang could be a threat to the Earth, forcing the Avengers to unite against him and his advanced technology. There are also tantalizing connections between The Fantastic Four and Kang. It could be interesting to explore the connection between the FF and Kang within the MCU. The MCU does not always follow the comics, just takes inspiration from them.
Kang is definitely an Avengers level villain, he’d provide a suitable threat to the whole team. Similar in fact, to how Ultron was a major threat for the team in Age of Ultron. I think Kang could work. Kang could also provide some drama for the team, to have to navigate within their own team dynamics.
Wrap it up, Fanboy
That’s about the whole of it. I want to see Marvel Studios build up to a new event level movie. I just don’t want it for some time to come. Phase 5 will surely feature at least one Avengers movie? I expect another Avengers in Phase 6. I think a Thunderbolts movie could act as an Avengers 5.5, or 4.5 depending on when it arrives. It goes without saying that we fans also want to see a Fantastic Four movie. I figured Fantastic Four was most fans big tip for Phase 5 anyway?
Where they decide to go next for the wrap-up event is another matter. I won’t predict anything this early. It could be Secret Wars, it could be Galactus and Silver Surfer, or it could be a Doom focussed story? I’m trying say, before we say what we want from the next event movie, we need some filler. Some movies that bring this new team together, before we consider breaking them back up again. I feel the ideas I mentioned above are all contenders for where to take things next. But that’s just me, my own thoughts and expectations.
What do you want to see from Phase 5 onwards in the MCU? Where would you go next for Avengers movies? Let us know your own ideas in the usual places below.
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