Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers is the story of two former friends-turned-actors. Set thirty years after the cancelation of their hit show, Chip (John Mulaney) finds himself leading a lonely existence working as an insurance agent and finding solace in his only friend: his dog. Dale (Andy Samberg) on the other hand, has had trouble letting go of the past. He attends cons longing for better times since gone and holding out hope that Rescue Rangers can find relevancy again. When their mutual friend goes missing, Dale and a reluctant Chip must team up, putting aside their differences.
What works in Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers is the meta comedy that will unite families in laughter. The entire premise is a not-so-subtle jab at the entertainment industry’s obsession with remakes, reboots, and franchises. The jokes and cameos come at a rapid-fire pace many of which will surprise and befuddle (in a positive way). The humor is an odd blend of references that no one born after 1980 will appreciate, and physical pratfalls that will elicit giggles from younger watchers. Of course, in keeping in line with most Disney material, Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers also includes some heartfelt messages about friendship and loyalty.
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The enjoyment of Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers rests heavily on one’s exposure and appreciation for the 1989-90 Disney cartoon, as this is a direct continuation in its own way. While those new to the series can still get into the action, the primary gag is all about poking fun at the source material and adjacent properties. But not only does Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers require some knowledge of pop culture references three decades ago, it also makes light of recent trends as well with a few deep cuts. Point being, individuals should be prepared to get bombarded with inside jokes and without context the experience could feel shallow.
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers is really great family adventure full of laughter, although its mileage will vary depending on familiarity. However, for older watchers young at heart who can still hum the theme song, this will be an absolute delight.
You can find Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers on Disney+.
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