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What to Watch This Weekend – Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a tale of adventure. Bard Edgin Darvis (Chris Pine) has always had an eye for treasure. His travels and search for a variety of riches led him to cross paths with the great warrior Holga Kilgore (Michelle Rodriguez). Having inadvertently stolen the wrong item for the wrong people, the two find themselves embroiled in a world of trouble. Attempting to fix the mistakes of their past, Edgin and Holga embark on a quest filled with allies, foes, and traps. At the end of it all they hope to attain the peaceful lives that have thus far eluded them.

What works in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is the adaptation of the beloved game. At its core, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is storytelling. These stories are typically imbued with action, comedy, romance, mystery, magic, and more. Capturing that cumulative essence and flavor is no easy feat, but writers/directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley (Spider-Man: Homecoming) have cracked the code. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is fun. Pure and simple, this movie is the best kind of blockbuster—wasting nay a single moment in its runtime, working to consistently entertain. The characters are rich, complex, and relatable; the story is simple and engaging; the dialogue is witty; and the action is magical.

A conclusive note about the adaptive nature of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. D&D is a familiar franchise among most, given its long history, cultural controversies, and recent resurgence. Wisely, filmmakers Goldstein and Daley have largely shied away from the gaming elements of D&D and focused on the lore and worldbuilding. Said differently—in the most positive way—if a person did not know D&D was the world’s largest, longest-running role-playing game, they would simply see Honor Among Thieves as a strong medieval fantasy with colorful characters and set pieces.

Individuals unfamiliar (or off-put) by D&D due to preconceived notions may think they might not enjoy the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves as much as others. In many instances, this will likely be a misconception. If anything, Honor Among Thieves will likely to pique the interest of potential new players who have yet to experience the world of D&D. Are there references in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves that non-players won’t appreciate? Certainly. But this never detracts from the overall heart and humor of the movie, making it accessible for nearly anyone. All that said, people not seeking a swashbuckling adventure filled with mystical monsters and wizardry might opt for something else.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is an absolute delight. A great deal of love and care for the source material went into crafting a vibrant adaptation that will make people laugh and cheer. Highly recommended for everyone.

Recommended if you Enjoyed: Guardians of the Galaxy, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is available to see exclusively in theaters starting March 31st, 2023.  

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