
Wheel Of Time Season 2 Trailer Analysis From A Book Fan

The Wheel of Time Season 2 trailer plus some analysis from a book fan, in other words, me. I’m a little late sharing this trailer as I was on vacation last week. However, I was intrigued enough by the trailer that I wanted to get into my thoughts and where I can spot some big changes from the books.

Season 2 will attempt to sort of merge the story of books 2 and 3 together and this can be seen in the trailer. Well, it can be seen for fans of the books anyway. Frankly there is a lot to cover, so let’s get into some of the main diversions from the books I can spot. Then a few other thoughts I had from watching this trailer.

More Logain

Given that the character of Logain already got more screen time in Season 1 than he did page time in book 1, it’s no surprise that the character is back again. In the books, Logain appears in book one only briefly. However, he then disappears and reappears much farther down the line. It’s only after this Logain grows into something more than a background name.

In this trailer we see Rand speaking with Logain and asking him for a way to control the power he now wields. This has caused some fans to get worried. Specifically that a character from book 4 (season 3) has been replaced by Logain. Honestly, I don’t think this is what will happen.

Rand eventually does need someone to teach him a few basics. Women teachers are no good because of the difference between both halves of the One Power. However, I feel like Logain won’t help Rand much at this point given he was stilled already in Season 1. So yes, I can see Rand asking this question and having this scene with Logain. However, I just don’t think Logain will provide him with what he needs. Therefore, that should leave us in a place for Asmodean to appear next Season. I don’t want to get into SPOILERS here. However, there was something in Season 1 which does indicate Amodean hasn’t been replaced in this adaptation.

Given the path both characters must take, I cannot see Logain suddenly heading East with Rand next Season. Instead, I think we are getting Logain’s part expanded a little only. Therefore, he doesn’t have to disappear from the TV series for a few years, which would be a nightmare for scheduling.

Ishy and the Seanchan

One big change I noticed here is that Ishy is now advising the Seanchan. In other words, for the non book readers, the guy you recognize with the Seanchan who was playing the Dark One last Season. It was plainly obvious Rand did not kill this person and we see that evidenced in this first trailer. So it’s not being played as a mystery to the audience, which I like.

However, in the books it was not Ishamael who was advising the Seanchan. It seems like this has been changed to give the character more screen time (he kinda peaces out in book 2) and that works for me. It also seems the idea they want to plant in the viewers heads is that the Seanchan are being advised by the main antagonist. Therefore, they should be viewed as bad guys. I also think this is the correct way to frame the Empire at this point in the story. As with most long form stories, the truth is somewhat more complicated. However, that’s something to get into by the time we get to Season 5 or 6 of The Wheel of Time, not for now.

Other Notes of Interest/Trailer Analysis

The weaves look to have been updated a little for Season 2 and I personally like this look far more. The weaves of the One Power were criticized by some book fans in Season 1 and it seems that feedback has been listened to.

There are many scenes from book 2 and 3 which can be glimpsed here, thought there remain a few details I’m not sure who they will merge together. I think we won’t know much more about that until several episodes into Season 2.

I did notice two moments from Matt (Dónal Finn), which some fans were worried were being skipped after Season 1. As you likely know the actor playing Matt was replaced and Matt was therefore kinda sidelined for the last two episodes of Season 1. There has been much speculation, and misreporting of why Barney Harris left. All we truly know, is that it was for personal reasons which he does not need to explain to anyone.

However, I think we see that Matt does end up back at the White Tower as instructed to do (which is also where he ends up in the books). I think we see him being healed of his desire for the knife at one point. We also see what I think is a small shot of a very famous fight Matt has after being healed and leaving the Tower. In other words, I think we are good on the Matt front.

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The Wheel of Time Season 2 trailer plus some analysis from a book fan, in other words, me.

Nice little shot of new character Selene seeking comfort from Rand did not go unnoticed and I liked what I saw. Book fans will obviously know I’m being fairly vague deliberately here. No SPOILERS!

I will also say that so far I really like the look of the Seanchan and can’t wait to see them in action. I also sincerely hope they have southern Texan drawls, but that’s just me. I think we see the start of Nynaeve’s Accepted testing, which did genuinely look ripped straight out of the books and that’s always a good thing.

I’m still not sure what they are doing with Moiraine this season. The end of Season 1 saw the Aes Sedai lose her ability, which would also mean her expulsion (her fault or out) from the order. This did not happen in the books, and I’m still not sure why it was done. I think it was to give the character more to do in this very Season. Moiraine isn’t as big a character in book 2 or 3 and then she’s back again in book 4. Ergo, they had to give her something to do. However, since future events that do require Moiraine have to happen a certain way, I remain baffled by how this is getting resolved and what her (and Lan’s) story will be.


Overall there are many things I like about this trailer, including some changes from Season 1. It just remains to be seen how well plots are merged together and new moments added to make them fit. There was simply no way we were ever getting a greenlit 14 Season series, so adaptation has to happen. I’ll also admit the book series could have done with a bit of trimming here and there. Therefore, I’m not one of these fans that holds the text sacred. Then again, there are limits to that.

There were a few decisions taken in Season 1 which veered into ‘my ideas are better territory’ and went against the larger themes and logic of the Universe. Not many to be fair, but a few can spread into many if given room to grow.

I liked Season 1 until the finale which I thought was just poorly put together. Simple as that, good series till the final two episodes, then it went a bit crappy. We know those final two episodes were shot separately and without one of the main stars. We also know the author who finished the series after the untimely sad passing of creator Robert Jordan, (Brandon Sanderson) was not able to give notes on those final two episodes. It showed.

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Am I excited for Season 2? Yes, and it seems so are general audiences. This trailer has more views than Season 1 did, which was a successful show by the way. However, I also fear Season 2 the most as it’s the section that I think will most deviate from the books. For me, the already filming Season 3 will be the one to sell or break this series to audiences. However, we need audiences to get there first. That means Season 2 has to work. Let’s see if it does?

That’s The Wheel of Time Season 2 trailer plus some analysis from a book fan. As always, lets us know what you think below.

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