Earlier this year saw the release of Jordan Peele’s directorial debut Get Out. In addition to being a solid horror film, Get Out also managed to be one of the highest rated films on Rotten Tomatoes, with only two critics giving negative reviews out of 291.
However, fans of Peele’s comedic work may still have been thrown off by the movie. After all, given how successful his comedy sketch show Key and Peele was (not to mention their comedy film, Keanu), it’s not ridiculous to assume his first film would also be a comedy, right? So why wasn’t it? Was this a situation where he set out to prove he was more than just a comedy filmmaker? Not so, actually. The reason is actually more simple than that.
Speaking with Deadline, Peele said:
“The reason I made it a horror film is that it’s my favorite genre. I actually started wanting to make a horror thriller, and in asking myself what that would look like, eventually I got to what Get Out is, which is, in many ways, my greatest fears on film.”
That certainly makes a lot of sense, and it’s almost beautiful how simple that reason is. Of course, each film has its own set of difficulties, and this one was no different. For a while, Peele was convinced it would never get made.
“Honestly, I thought: There’s too many things that you just can’t do in film— the finale where a black man kills a white family in cold blood, and the audience is supposed to be like, ‘Yeah!’ When you watch this movie, I think that’s the power of story. It’s one of the few things that encourages empathy because it allows us to see through others’ eyes. If I could whittle the point of the movie — what I was trying to say — into one sentence, I wouldn’t be able to. That’s why I had to make the movie. It was more complex than that.”
To be fair, their deaths were hardly in cold blood, but his point is taken. Given the strengths of the flick, it definitely worked out for the best that it got made. We can’t wait to see what else Peele has in store for his filmmaking, especially since he’s making a point to make movies only he could make.
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SOURCE: Deadline