Why did Liam Neeson come back as Qui-Gon for Obi-Wan Kenobi? Okay, the fact that money likely changed hands for half an hour work was probably a major factor. However previously Neeson has said he’s reluctant to do TV series. This is despite Neeson occasionally having made guest starring roles in TV series previously.
Neeson made an appearance this past weekend at the San Sebastian Film Festival in northern Spain. The veteran actor as there to promote his latest film Marlowe in which he plays the famous private detective. However, as you’d expect, he was asked a Star Wars question almost immediately and here is what he had to say. Courtesy of Chile DetailZero.
“I was in the last episode, I’m a bit of a TV snob, but I didn’t want anyone else to play that character,” he explains. “Ewan is a friend. We were in Los Angeles on green screen and Ewan, as Obi-Wan, was on a real camel, and I only had three lines of dialogue, and when we rehearsed, people started crying, it was wonderful.”
As I’m sure you know, Qui-Gon is sought many times by Kenobi throughout the series. However he is only finally ready to learn from his old master after his confrontation with Vader. Thus Qui-Gon wonders what took him so long when finally see one another again through the Force.
He also did it as a tribute to George Lucas (the creator of the “Star Wars” saga) for “that world he created in his day, a world in which each culture, each country in the world, has a mythological theme associated with each one of them. their nations. Lucas was very smart.”
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I guess the question is, will there be an Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2? Given the popularity of the show, and the desire of everyone involved to do it again, that seems likely. That’s IF someone can come up with a good enough story to make it worthwhile? I’m on the fence with Kenobi, it was decent but also frustrating at times because it could have been essential.
As for Season 2, I’d want three things, no Leia, no Vader (explanation below), and more Qui-Gon Jinn. For me the canon, and the lore, was stretched and pushed as far they could go without seriously harming the overall story. That for me means there should be no more interactions with Leia or Vader. So whilst I have actually no issue with either being in a Season 2, the key part for me would be that neither meet Kenobi again, so why bother?
As Season 2 should be focused on Obi-Wan being taught by Qui-Gon. That would mean a lot more Liam Neeson, so would he even be up for that? Who knows for now? First let’s see if it actually happens.
What do you think of reasons why Liam Neeson came back as Qui-Gon for Obi-Wan Kenobi? Thoughts below as always.