IGN recently sat down with the director of Thor: Ragnarok, Taika Waititi, and spoke of a number topics surrounding the new film. One topic of discussion had to do with Jeff Goldblum’s character, The Grandmaster. In the comics, the character is a blue skinned alien. The movie has Jeff Goldblum appear just as you would expect Jeff Goldblum to appear. Waititi’s response?
“Because he did another movie where he was blue.”
What film would that be you might be asking? That would be the cinema classic Earth Girls Are Easy. When audiences think of Jeff Goldblum movies, I’m sure that is one that’s on top of their lists.
This is why you don’t do drugs kids.
Marvel Studios has done a good job of making sure their characters resemble as closely as possible how they look on the comic book page. That isn’t always realistic of course. Add to that the fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is simply inspired by the comics and has no reason to follow what’s on the comic page to the letter and you have filmmakers sometimes making slight and sometimes major changes to the characters we know and love.
The biggest factor in keeping Goldblum makeup free for the movie is that it’s Jeff Goldblum. He has a recognizable face. Why not capitalize on the fact that an actor of his caliber isstarring in your film? Ideally, yeah, you would want his character to resemble the character in the comics as close as possible. But for a movie, the actor in question has a lot more flexibility to show what makes a character great. It’s not always imperative a character resemble the original character in the source material. Yet if you do stray, you have to work to show the audience the risk was worth the reward we are about to see.
So what do you think? Were you upset that Jeff Goldblum wasn’t painted blue like the character in the comic? Do you think filmmakers should focus more on capturing the spirit of the character and not the minutiae of how a character looks in the source material? How do you think he will perform in Thor: Ragnarok? Sound off in the comments section below.
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