Avengers: Infinity War is just on the horizon, but even further after that, we’ll be getting the yet-to-be-titled Avengers 4, which is set to hit theaters in 2019. The film is still in the process of production, and actors have slowly been wrapping things up.
A recent post from stuntwoman Heidi Moneymaker revealed that actress Scarlett Johansson had just wrapped production, and while it initially seemed like your textbook wrap post, there was one interesting detail that the folks over at CinemaBlend noticed.
Take a look at the photo below:
In the photo, you’ll notice that Johansson is wearing a familiar outfit. If you’ll recall, in the opening scene of Captain America: Civil War, Black Widow is sporting the same look — hairstyle and all. Given that the character has short white hair in Avengers: Infinity War, it’s not unreasonable to assume that we could very well be getting a flashback to that opening scene. Of course, it’s not necessarily a given that it’s a flashback, but it seems like the easiest explanation to her having the same exact look. And with a character who has a different look each film, it would seem like a very intentional look.
But what could such a flashback accomplish? Your guess is as good as ours, but given recent random comments from actor Frank Grillo regarding a potential return of Crossbones…could it have something to do with that? Perhaps.
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SOURCE: CinemaBlend