Castlevania is a beloved series. Starting out on the original Nintendo Entertainment System, the series told the story of the Belmont family’s battle against the forces of darkness led by Dracula himself. The series has had a game or two hit shelves for nearly every video game generation and has dabbled in full 3D action-adventure, on-screen multiplayer, but still finds most of its success in 2D side scrollers. There was one game that many consider to be the best of them all, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
SotN expanded on the classic game by adding RPG elements, the ability to morph into mist or an animal, spells, and a unique twist at what many thought was the end of the game. I won’t give it away, but there’s something special you have to do at the “final” boss to keep things going. Another change was the fact you were not playing as a Belmont but as the vampiric son of Dracula, Alucard.
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For awhile the only way to play the game was to get it off of the PlayStation Store for PS4, PS Vita, the old PSP, and of course the system it came out on originally the original PlayStation. Now, you can get it on mobile devices through Google Play and the Apple Store. There will be both onscreen controls as well as the ability to use Bluetooth controllers. Not every mobile port has been a winner, take a look at Final Fantasy VI for example, but I think this game could work on mobile platforms. It may be better with a tablet and a Bluetooth controller, but onscreen should suffice.
The game is out now (only $2.99), likely related to the release of Season 3 of the Netflix Castlevania show. What are your thoughts on Castlevania: SotN? Are you going to get this on mobile? Let us know in the comments below!
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Source: CBR