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Would Marvel Studios Ever Put Out Four Films A Year? Here’s What Kevin Feige Said

Back when Marvel Studios put out their first phase of films, they weren’t exactly consistent about the release schedule. Iron Man hit theaters in May of 2008, and just over a month later, The Incredible Hulk came out. Little did we know that that release schedule was a harbinger of things to come.But it would be another two years until we got another film in the form of Iron Man 2. We got two films in 2011, one film in 2012, and then starting 2013, we got two films a year. That in itself seemed to be quite the impressive feat, but as of last year, they started releasing three films a year — and that’s a trend set to continue into the foreseeable future.

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But what about…four films? Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige was recently asked that question by Collider, and his response was as follows:

“I think it depends. It depends on what happens with big corporate deals, it depends on how we’re feeling as a studio to grow. We always intended to just do two a year until we got to a natural place where it felt like not doing three meant we were holding things back or preventing work from being done. Totally comfortable with three a year, which we’ve been doing for a few years now. If it ever gets to four, it would only be for very good reasons.”

So what could those “good reasons” be? Personally, the only I can think of is the feeling that they’re holding back for the sake of holding back. If they’re able to keep up that momentum and quality, I can see them doing so within the next few years. But, of course, there is the concern that that could lead to oft-discussed, but little-seen superhero fatigue.

Given their track record, I’m sure Marvel Studios will weigh out all the pros and cons before jumping in. Four films a year is no joke, and we have a pretty packed year as it is…though if there was a spot that could use one, it’s the lull between summer and holiday releases…get on it, Marvel!

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SOURCE: Collider

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