In the last few months there seems to have been a lot of “woulda, coulda, shoulda” coming from the original director of Justice League, Zack Snyder. To be fair most people have wondered what Snyder’s original plan for Justice League was before Warner Bros. decided to make major changes after the negative response that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice received. After months of getting little bits of information here and there from Snyder, we finally have a very candid answer from him via during a live Q&A session with fans after a screening of Batman v Superman after he was asked by a fan “What the hell happened?”
He begins responding to the question by letting everyone know that his original vision was never shot because of insecurities from the studio, again because of Batman V Superman. “The original Justice League that Chris [Terrio] and I wrote, we didn’t even shoot… The actual idea, the hard, hard idea, the scary idea, we never filmed because the studio was like ‘That’s crazy,'” Snyder said.
The key piece to his overall plan for his story was in the Knightmare scene that we see in Batman V Superman and it involved Darseid taking over Earth as well as Superman falling to the Anti-Life Equation that Darkseid has always been trying to possess. “The truth is that, the Knightmare sequence in this movie was always my idea that all of that would eventually be explained … and that we would end up in the distance future, where Darkseid has taken over Earth and where Superman has succumbed to the Anti-Life [Equation] … There was a few members of the Justice League that had survived in that world, that they were fighting. Batman broke a pact with Cyborg because something happened… They were working on an equation to jump Flash back to tell Bruce…”
The next piece of information we were supposed to get was in a cut post-credit scene that would have revealed the importance of Lois Lane and how she was an important piece for Darkseid to turn. Snyder said that, “The Justice League teaser that wasn’t in the movie, apparently, I guess, where Wonder Woman says, it’s this line where Bruce says ‘I was right here when Barry Allen came to me and he said Lois Lane is the key,’ and she says ‘She is, to Superman. Every heart has one.’ And he goes, ‘I think it’s something more, something darker.'”
“If Superman knew that somehow it was Bruce’s responsibility to protect Lois, he would have been mad at him in [Batman v Superman]. So that’s why he says ‘She was my world, and you took her from me.'” Snyder continued.
He wraps up his explanation by saying that Cyborg would have taken The Flash back in time and Barry would then try to prevent Lois Lane’s murder at the hands of Darkseid, who had just Boom Tubed into the Batcave. This would have changed the original plan that we had seen Batman V Superman. This would be all that Snyder would share about his scrapped plans for Justice League.
An evil or bad Superman is something that has worked really well in the Injustice comic books as well as the video games. But I don’t feel that it would have ever worked in a feature film where he hasn’t had the opportunity to be that symbol of hope that all his fans know him to be. It doesn’t help either that Batman really doesn’t seem to be bothered by killing anyone, heck Superman also killed Zod, everyone is just… dark. Sure this worked well for Watchmen, but our Justice League heroes needed to be presented in a different light.
What do you think of the revealed plans for Justice League? Let us know in the comment section below!
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