If you’re a book whore like me, one of the most prominent names in literature is Zelda Fitzgerald. No, she’s not a character in a book, nor was she an author of a generally accepted “great American novel†(her work was largely overshadowed by that of her husband), but she was the wife of novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald, the man behind such classic books as The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise.
She was often cited as Fitzgerald’s muse, though history has proven that their love affair wasn’t as picturesque one would think. Writer Ernest Hemingway thought Zelda interfered too much with F. Scott’s work, and Zelda in turn disliked Hemingway right back, but this wasn’t the only wrench in their relationship. F. Scott was a textbook alcoholic, and Zelda was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and as such, spent a decent amount of time in mental facilities. All the while, the two seemed to hate each other just as much as they loved each other. Stories vary, but some believed F. Scott had beaten her, while some believe she’d done it to herself either because of her mental illness or for attention (or both).
Zelda herself isn’t simply known as an accessory to the successful author, but is considered an icon of the Flapper movement in 1920s America, which rejected stereotypically-perceived feminine traits.
Needless to say, she’s a figure that’s ripe for a biopic, and now Variety is reporting that Jennifer Lawrence will star in a motion picture about the Southern belle in a film entitled Zelda. What’s more is that director Ron Howard — who most recently directed Inferno — is currently developing the project, and is considering it as a directorial project.
While it’s definitely possible that the world is starting to grow weary of Jennifer Lawrence in Oscar bait-type films, I actually think this is one hell of a hit for the talented actress. More than anything, Lawrence has the uncanny ability to portray strong women in touch situations, and getting cast as a forward-thinking woman in comparatively oppressive times — with a mental illness, no less — is something that’s right up Lawrence’s alley.Some may be a bit worried to see Howard hop on board. Hollywood is a business of “what have you done for me lately,†and the fact is that Howard hasn’t made a huge hit in some time. Heck, his last decade of directorial efforts – which include films like Inferno, Rush, The Dilemma, and Angels & Demons — have all come up short. But at the end of the day, this is still the man who gave us such great films as Cinderella Man and A Beautiful Mind. There’s no denying Howard’s talents, but here I think is a piece of material that suits him better than anything else has in a good while.
What do you think of this news? Would you like to see Jennifer Lawrence and Ron Howard team up for a Zelda Fitzgerald biopic? Let us know in the comments down below!
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SOURCE: Variety