James Gunn Shares Glimpse Of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Script

It’s no secret the level of love and dedication writer/director James Gunn has for his Guardians Of The Galaxy franchise. It was widely reported that the weekend of the first film’s release, Gunn was already hard at work plotting out the events of the sequel. Both films widely successful and now with the events of Avengers: Infinity War, Gunn has a lot to live up to, as well as a few obstacles due to Infinity War‘s finale.

Well, Gunn has revealed yet again that he’s working on his script, this time via his social media accounts. On Monday, Gunn revealed the cover to the Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 3 script on his Twitter and Instagram feeds with the caption “Every bit of my heart,” which went on to generate some buzz, of course.


Just by following any one of Gunn’s social media accounts, one easily gets the perception that he absolutely loves what he does. His writing credentials go as far back as the mid-’90s and he has been attached to such films as the Zack Snyder-directed Dawn Of The Dead and the 2013 comedy-compilation Movie 43. Currently in development, Gunn looks to also take a crack at rebooting Starsky & Hutch in the near future.

Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 3 is slated for a 2020 release, putting it well after the events of Avengers 4, which is due out in May of 2019. Following Avengers 4 will be Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is set for a July 5th, 2019 release date.

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Source: James Gunn

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