The infamous Snyder Cut of Justice League, does it really exist? Legend has it there are clues to the location of the Snyder cut hidden within the theatrical version of Justice League. The thing about that is that it’s 100% not true, but wouldn’t that be awesome?
Anyway, you can check out a post from Twitter user Felix Mitchell which apparently shows a Zack Snyder version of Superman before the Joss Whedon reshoots.
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You can definitely tell a difference in the way Henry Cavill looks, or at least I can. To me, this photo looks like it doesn’t have any CGI mustache removal. Henry Cavill still looks kind of weird to me in the Twitter post, but he looks a lot more like himself than the sort of wide-mouthed version (which you can see at the top of the article) we had in the reshot Justice League.
I happened to enjoy the film for what it was, but it didn’t have the same feel as the first Avengers, as DC’s universe was more thrown together rather than built over time, the payoff just wasn’t the same.
If the Snyder cut does indeed exist, we, the nerds of Nerd City, Nerdonia, demand it’s immediate release.
Do you think that the Snyder cut exists? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Felix Mitchell