With the death of Kisan, the plan to look out for the players weighs heavier on Spencer (Dwayne Johnson). Spending time with a veteran player (John Amos) who is hailing a cab after the funeral when they should be in a limo furthers his intentions with his first Owners meeting scheduled the next day. Does he align with the Cowboys owner (Christopher McDonald) and his request for two more games added to the schedule, in an attempt to have a solid done for him? Or does he stand his ground and demand care for the players be the first issue handled?
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In side stories this episode, Joe (Rob Corddry) hands Lance (Russell Brand), Reggie (London Brown), and Vernon (Donovan W. Carter) fund a $2 million check to find “diamond in the rough” gamers to sign to SportsX. The trio find three talented brothers with a bit of baggage–baggage that is resolved in a rather public and violent fashion at their reunion. Down in LA, Charles (Omar Benson Miller) discovers he has suffered two heart attacks and needs to take it easy, at a time when he is working overtime for a contract extension with a baby on the way. Additionally, Jason (Troy Garity) stresses over his girlfriend expecting an engagement ring on their anniversary night.
After a meeting with Odell Beckham, Jr. that leaves him feeling inadequate with Kate (Catherine Haena Kim), Joe decides to join Ricky (John David Washington) as a guest on his SiriusXM show–where he decides to vulgarly dig into Spencer the night before there Owners meeting. The next morning, with the feeling he’s made an agreement regarding players’ care with the Cowboys owner, Spencer decides to vote for the expanded two-game season. However, when Spencer brings up the topic of additional care for current and past athletes, his vote is shot down by the Cowboys owner, stating they are going to postpone the vote on added care until the proper research is conducted. Spencer is angered, to say the least.
As with every episode this season, the pressure is gradually applied to Spencer, presenting a new obstacle at every turn. His former friends and partners are now turning on him every chance they get. His goals are set on protecting the players, but the business side of football proves to make those goals difficult. This season has succeeded in creating a huge mountain of adversity, and Johnson’s portrayal of a flawed man trying to run a team while doing the right thing continues to excel. With four episodes left in this final season, time is ticking for Spencer to achieve that success.
Ballers airs Sunday nights on HBO, and is available for streaming on the HBO Go and HBO Now apps.
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