Back in 2005 the mythology based action adventure game God of War, created by David Jaffe at Sony’s Santa Monica Studio, debuted on PlayStation 2. Since then it has become one of PlayStation’s flagship titles which to date consists of 8 games. The latest one also titled God of War which was released April 20th of this year.
Without a doubt this franchise has a large fan base that includes Pacific Rim Uprising director Steven DeKnight who according to has been in contact with Sony about a concept to be able to bring Kratos to the big screen. He even has an actor in mind to play the main character.
“I would love to see it,” DeKnight said. “Somebody had asked me about video games and I’ve always been a fan of God of War. I think the latest game was just so beautiful and phenomenal. I would love to tackle God of War movie or I would love to see somebody put that up on the big screen. Somebody asked me, ‘Well, who would you have to have Kratos?’ And immediately for me: Dave Batista would be the man. I think he can do anything. You can do drama, real emotion, humor, action. What would I like to see from a movie like that? A bit of a tricky question because there hasn’t really been 100% success of translating a video game to a movie. It’s a very, very tricky process.”
As a fan of the video game franchise myself, I am not sure about his casting choice of Dave Bautista as Kratos, I think there are other more suitable actors out there that would be able to portray Kratos’ character better. Along with the choice of actor DeKnght talked with Sony about the rating of the movie in order to be able to correctly capture the essence of the story, he goes on to say that the film would “without a doubt” have to be R-Rated.
As much as I would love to see Kratos fighting Gods on the big screen, we all know that most video games turned films don’t do very well. But it wouldn’t hurt to try and with the popularity of the video game franchise, you have the opportunity to have a movie franchise as well if it’s done correctly.
What are your thoughts? Would you like to see a God of War live action film? Let us know in the comment section below!
DeKnight’s Pacific Rim Uprising is available on DigitalHD now and will be available on blu-ray and DVD June 19th, 2018.
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